
Friday, August 14, 2020

Three Sisters

 Got to be with my sisters and my sweet baby brother.  He took the photo.  Just imagine him.

One Brother


  1. Such a great picture of you three! Oh, how I miss you! When will this coved lockdown ever be over? We did go to Mike’s brother’s funeral two weekends ago in St.Louis. We only stayed one night and even that was a little scary...never thought we would be seeing everyone in St.Louis and all of us wearing masks !

  2. I love the photo. I wish Patsy was still among the living and in the picture with you. I just told my husband, "Patsy would be having a lot to say these days, with Trump as president."

  3. Patsy loved politics. She would have despised Trump for sure.

    Patsy loved her blog friends as she was actually a bit of a loner and she could have friends without the close contact. I miss her wisdom most.
