
Friday, August 14, 2020

Walking Circles Again

 Walking Circles again.  Laura is back in school so Phinnie and I are back to walking in Galla Meadow.  We saw some interesting things as we walked together.  Laura’s Zinnias are waist high. My new little Crepe Myrtle is going to have a pink bloom. The beautiful Black Gum clump is still all green.  I spotted one Crepe Myrtle blooming in the big ditch that catches the water flow from Cliff and stream.  I love all the spider webs that stretch across the grass making a trap for the spider’s next meal.  Hope you have a good day.  I’m up early traveling north to the home place for my nephew’s remembrance.   I will stop at Alpena cemetery as Larry and my stone is in place.  This will mark my end someday.  Graveyard visitors will ponder”wonder who Larry and Betty Renfroe were?”

My pink Crepe Myrtle
Catching a fly for dinner
Laura’s Zinnias


  1. Lovely photos! I will be cremated like Bob was.

  2. Me too. At least that’s my request, but I know those left here decide.
