I don’t need excitement to make me happy. I love simple things. Things like the afternoon sun warming my skin, a good mug of coffee resting gently between in my palms just sitting on the back porch, or the anticipation of starting a new book. I saw many simple things this morning when Laura and I walked. I loved taking time to watch a barge maneuver to get on the right path. The pink dogwoods were all a bloom. One can’t take a Dogwood picture below the blooms and do justice. You need to be above the tree— in the heavens with the Father. I saw Spiderwort that was so pretty and another tiny bell shaped blue wildflower whose name has left me. Maybe Shirley will use her flower app and remind me. To enjoy simple pleasures you have to slow down, breathe deep, look closely. Otherwise, it all speeds by undetected.
God is never hurried or rushed
God is never worried
God takes great delight in the small things
Take a little time today. Don’t rush and worry! Rejoice!
Beautiful flowers!