
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Blue Bird Babies

These two Blue Birds have a nest of babies and work all day finding bugs and worms to feed them.  Blue Birds are not seed eaters.  They do not come to my feeders.  Larry would be proud they moved in the house he made for them.



  1. Ever since we moved to the trailer house, I've had bluebirds coming to the house I put out for them and raising babies. Last year sparrows wouldn't let them nest. This year they built their nest and hatched out babies, and sparrows came and killed them and chased away the babies.

    I told Cliff to take down the birdhouse so they'll make nests in the woods, because all it is now is a trap for them. I hate sparrows so much!

  2. Larry used to shoot them for me. Now, my number is increasing. I need to learn to shoot the guns I kept so I can eliminate some sparrows and black birds.
