
Monday, May 10, 2021

Mother’s Day

 Eric made grilled chicken salad last evening.  It was delicious.  The temperature all day was weird.  I’d be hot then a small rain and it was cool.  After a while it’d seem hot again.  I received many special gifts and want to record them here to remember them all.  Clayton and Greta made cards for me and with Ada gave me a new wind chime that is bright greens.  Ingrid presented me with one that was a Blue bird.  Astrid and Eric  put together Astrid and Logan’s old fire pit. I have already used it to burn sticks.  It is 3 stones high.  Astrid also bought me a new wheel barrel tire.  She’s going to put it on for me.  

Laura did some special things for me.  She removed two huge doors from a shed.  If these doors were shut a ‘possum filled the shed with sticks.  It would be just stuffed.  A truck load of nasty sticks.  With open doors, it is not interested in the hideout.  Larry built the two doors so they were heavy.  Laura removed the hinges and took the doors down.  Now, it’s an open shed.  I’ve wanted an old cake cover like Grandma Powell’s.  Grandma had a metal cover with a small wooden grasp on top.  Laura found this old one at a treasure store.  It’s different from Grandmas but I like it. Her book lady friend knitted me a pot holder, and she also had a wooden spoon and candle in the bag.  She’s learning to knit with a YouTube video.  I used to knit and want to again, but I think I’d need a human teacher.  Laura also bought me a box of notecards.  They’re hallmark and some have birds on them.

Erin went to the junk store and found 5 books.  I’ve read two, but I have already finished two that I had not read.

Astrid has a cricket (I think that’s what you call it) and my card from Logan and her was hand crafted.  A work of art.

I’m not trying to boast about my gifts but I want to remember them.  I bet I left some things out.  Yes, I did.  Helen gave me hens and chickens that I love, but I always kill them.  Grandma Gaddy grew them.  I hope these lived.  Helen said to plant them on the south side of the house.  She sent Laura home with turkey breasts when we visited Saturday…and that brings me to my favorite present.  Laura drove me to the home place to see the new tin roof.  All my remaining siblings greeted me there.   Helen served a delicious lunch.  My goal is to go up myself and visit more.

I don’t want to dwell on it but I’ve been sick since January.  I’ve seen the doctor and hope to start feeling better.  Then, I dragged some stuff around in the yard and hurt my left knee. For a week, I have barely been able to navigate.   I feel old and used up.  

I hope your Mother’s Day was just as you wished it to be.  

Ingie’s Blue Bird
My fire pit
Wind chime from Clayton, Greta, and Ada
Amy’s sweet gifts and my new old metal cake cover.
Hens and chickens from Sister Helen
My porch chimes.  The first one is my chicken from Hawaii.

My used books from Erin.

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