
Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Spiderwort and Arkansas Blackberries!  Spiderwort also called wandering Jew.  Below is the common Arkansas BlackBerry.



  1. My mom had spiderwort growing in her yard years ago. It was the prettiest dark blue color, not purple at all. It is one of my favorite wildflowers that will grow in my yard if I can keep my husband and the weed whacker away from them. Isn't spiderwort a weird name for a simple old fashioned pretty flower?

    Around here there is a different plant that is a vining soft thick leaved and stemmed plant that spreads everywhere if it gets even one little sprout starting. They get a small blue flower but it is amongst the vines. My husband could weed whack those things every day of the week and they'd come back. They can obscure my other pretty flowers so fast.

    It's been so cold and rainy here, especially cold at night. I haven't planted my zinnia seeds and it is getting late. Anytime I plan on planting, suddenly storms are forecast or it is really windy which makes it hard to plant seeds if you can't get down on your knees. They blow away before they get to where you want them in the soil.

  2. I used to go wildflower gathering with my mom when I was a child. We would decorate graves with wildflowers.
