
Saturday, June 26, 2021

Missing Ada


Ada went home yesterday.  I am lost without her.  I understood pure joy when her little eyes spied her Momma.  I was not much of a substitute.  The lord knew what he was doing when he decided old women should not have children and I understand why Sarah laughed when he said she would bare a child and then denied it.  “Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.”  

I started the week with great intentions—a schedule, great balanced meals, fun bath, walks through nature in the wagon, small allotments of TV, but by Friday the TV droned.  We did whatever Ada suggested.  I sat exhausted in the recliner.  I learned if she was quiet I’d better hurry to see what she was “in to”.  Ada learned  to throw herself on the floor with fake crying as I gave in immediately.  I did not watch Jeopardy or Wheel of fortune all week.  My play list was Mickey Mouse and Daniel Tiger.  I was not a good mother.

1 comment:

  1. And that's why I stopped babysitting Cora! As a baby and toddler, I did pretty well with her. But from age four and on up, I knew she was lacking some things she needed in her life... discipline, for instance. Cliff refused to tell her "No" about anything and would get mad at me if I tried to get him to change his ways. And yes, I was getting older and she did wear me out.
