Laura and I walked early leaving at 4:30. She is dedicated. I bought us head lamps to help out in dark spots. Erin shared her Sunday school lesson with me. If one has a good teacher, S S is better than church.
Erin shared 10 lessons for living from Ecclesiaste authored by the wisest man who ever lived.. Every human achievement disappears like our breath. Only God’s work is lasting. So do His work. We can find meaning in life only through our faith in our Lord. All other things are dead ends. They finally dwindle out and we tire of them. Use our time to do good as time is God’s gift. It can be snuffed out in an instant. Keep our promises to God and others. Don’t be wishy washy, but obey. Trust in the Lord and pray for His will to be done in all things. Be humble. He forgives our sin. We should forgive others. Life is short. Don’t wait to do God’s work. Labor for Him today. Enjoy today and count your blessings, one by one. Fear God. He’s sees all we do. He knows our mind. Don’t just wash your hands, wash all those thoughts that aren’t Godly from your brain. We are held accountable for our actions. He forgives our sin but the consequences remain. Wow, I can’t do all this, but I’m trying.
I believe we are God's hands in the world. God is Spirit so God depends on us to be kind to one another, love one another and take care of one another.