
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Cowboy Church

 Never attended one but they’re quite popular here.  Found this when I searched for them—Cowboy churches believe in the Trinity: One God in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God has always existed and always will. The American Fellowship of Cowboy Churches (AFCC) says, "He is Father to the fatherless and the One to whom we pray."

You’d think Ada and Greta are going to the Cowboy Church, No, it’s sweet Elmwood Baptist! Ada’s boots once belonged to Astrid💙 Ada is stomping for Jesus!  
GREAT Aunt Helen made Ada’s dress.  Gigi bought her jean jacket🥰



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Ada's boots is the finishing touch on her adorable outfit!! :)

  3. When we were babysitting Cora, we got used to babies wearing cowboy boots. That's the only kind of shoes she wore unless her mom wanted to really dress her up fancy. Of course, she always took them off as soon as she walked in the door because I never wore shoes. Unless we went someplace with her during the day, the boots sat there until it was time for one of her parents to pick her up in the evening. She still wears cowboy boots, and probably keeps them on her feet now.

  4. What a cutie in those boots! Both girls are beauties!
