
Thursday, March 31, 2022


 Tomorrow is a big day for all interested in genealogy.  The 1950 census will be released and several of us will be listed.   According to the "72-Year Rule," the National Archives releases census records to the general public 72 years after Census Day. As a result, the 1930 census records were released April 1, 2002, and the 1940 records were released April 2, 2012. The 1950 census records will be released in April 2022.   72 years was considered an average lifespan, but in 2020 the average in the United States was over 78 years.  Our country has been conducting censuses every 10 years since 1790.  All this data still exits.  The 1890 census was destroyed by fire and that record is gone.  The 1950 census collected the following information from all respondents:

address, whether house is on a farm, name, relationship to head of household, race, sex, age, marital status, birthplace, if foreign born, whether naturalized, employment status, hours worked in week, occupation, industry and class of worker.

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Sigrid is 17

Sigrid is 17 today.  She is a baby to me.  I won’t get strawberry pie this evening as Ada is sick and I am a caregiver today.   Wishing Sigrid a blessed 17th year.  


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Ada’s Sick

 Little one is sick.  Phinnie and I will leave at dawn to stay with her tomorrow and even Thursday if she is still ill.


The best news today is the Lord is faithful.  He shows tender mercy to his children.  
I finished the baby blanket I was working on.  I will find another project.  I am trying to read the Dolly Parton book.  Since country singing life is not something I would aspire to, it’s a hard read for me.   I like Dolly Parton and I will finish her book.
Larry’s cousin passed away.  He was only 52.  He served in Desert Storm.  Shortly, after returning home he starting having grand mal seizures.  He felt it had something to do with chemicals he was exposed to.  He always tried to work, but he’d have a seizure on the job and they’d let him go.  Finally, he had one driving and lost his license.  The military finally gave him a pension, but it took years of fighting to get it.  He had a seizure and hit his head.  It took 15 staples to sew it up.  They sent him home and he died later that morning.  He did have some good years.  We never know what day will be our last.  I want to focus on today, not yesterday or tomorrow.  I hope you have a terrific Tuesday. 

Monday, March 28, 2022

Walking at Sunrise

I walked with the sunrise this morning.  More blooms are shouting spring.  I saw a rock within a tree and little foal has a name, Merle.


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Walking With Moses

Today I walked atop Mount Nebo for an hour.  I thought about Moses as I viewed the beautiful River Valley.   Canaan was more spectacular. There are only two references to Mount Nebo in the Bible.  Because it is the death place of Moses, it is an important biblical mountain. Deuteronomy tells us that Mount Nebo is in Moab; an ancient kingdom in the land known today as Jordan  bordered by the Dead Sea and the Arabian Desert. The inhabitants of the kingdom were ancestors of Lot via his eldest daughter.  I tried to imagine a scene greater than the valley below.   The view made me feel small and of little importance in God’s Kingdom.


Saturday, March 26, 2022


 Growing up when school started we’d get a box of colors.  Usually ours were the ones with two rows.  Some children had this huge box.  I was so envious.  Also, most of the children had cloth book bags on the back of their wooden chair.  These looked like a pillow case.  One end slipped over the chair, the part that extended down was turned the other way making a pocket for books.  We barely had food to eat, so I never had one of those either.  I loved elementary school.  I guess I was lucky as I don’t recall a teacher I disliked.  My second grade teacher was strict, but she was a pianist and we sang songs and I loved that.  I recall “ole Black Joe”.   That song would be banned today.  I was blessed.  In the upper grades, I must have had a few teachers I didn’t care for, but honestly I can’t name one.  Maybe that’s why I aspired to be a teacher.

It’s been a beautiful day.  I’ve thought a lot about the song Donna Wood shared. I love the words.

Mommy told me something a little kid should know.
It’s all about the devil and I’ve learned to hate him so.
She said he causes trouble when you let him in the room.
He will never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom.

So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin.
Smilers never lose and frowners never win.
So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.

When you are unhappy, the devil wears a grin
But oh, he starts a-running when the light comes pouring in
I know he’ll be unhappy ’cause I’ll never wear a frown
Maybe if we keep on smiling he’ll get tired of hanging ’round.

So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin.
Smilers never lose and frowners never win.
So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.

If I forget to say my prayers the devil wears a grin.
But he feels so awful awful when he sees me on my knees
So if you’re full of trouble and you never seem to win,
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in.

So let the sun shine in, face it with a grin.
Smilers never lose and frowners never win.
So let the sun shine in face it with a grin
Open up your heart and let the sun shine in.

Stuart Hamblen

Friday, March 25, 2022

Book to Read

Sister Helen gave me these hens and chickens last year.  So thankful they are still alive.  I have them in two old water buckets.  
Got a new book to read.  Thank you Pope County Library.  I hope it’ll be good reading.
I burned sticks again today.  I hauled the big limb Laura yanked out of the tree for me and burned it.  Each time a very strong wind blows I have a a bunch of sticks to pick up. 

Laura and I walked an hour.  It was cool but pleasant.  I listened to Acts as I walked.  I imagined I was on the road to Damascus. 


Good Visitors

Had some good company yesterday.  Now both Clayton and Greta are taller than I am.  I’m still above Ada.  Ada never wants her picture taken if you request one.  So she pouted.  If Clayton stood on the ground and I on the porch I’m taller than he is.  Clayton is in 8th grade and Greta 5th.  I’m in the elder category.


I started my day yesterday with an hour walk.  The wind was blistery but I listened to Alexander Scourby read Paul’s letter to the Romans and soon forgot about the weather.  Don’t be ashamed of the Gospel.  Believe and confess that Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead and be saved.  But I really like this verse.  I’m so little and ignorant I don’t even know what I should pray and the Holy Spirit within me groans to God on my behalf.  Romans 8:26. In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.   Last evening I beheld another beauty ending of the day.  

Praises to the heavens.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Calling in Help

Astrid sent me a copy of the shelf life of eggs.  I get it now.  I’ve had a broken limb stuck in a tree for two years.  I have tugged and pulled and twisted and yanked.  It was stuck over a stub of another limb.  I finally broke down and called the tree service.  She came this morning.  I was sure she’d be injured and I’d be to blame, but she got that stubborn limb down.  I recommend Lil Red Tree Service.  😝😝



The Ornamental Pear trees are blooming.  They are not a favorite of mine.  The tree is a creation of man and is quite popular.  Leave it to man to create a tree called a Pear tree that bears no fruit.  Many yards and store island areas have this type tree. It grows fast and has a pretty shape without being trimmed.   The blooms stink and the tree never will be very big.  They break in storms because the wood is soft.   They have tiny pears the size of a little cherry.  The birds eat the seeds and spread the Pear trees around.  The new tree is changed and is full of thorns.  A lot of man’s ideas turn to thorns.  What if REAL pear trees had been planted?  Wouldn't that be awesome. Pears growing and spreading.

I am still playing Wordle.  I’m not any better than when I first started playing.  I don’t use a “system”.  I start with a word that has two ot three vowels.  I never use a second word that is completely new letters.  I know that would find more letters but it seems like cheating.  I average 4 try’s to get the word.  I find the most difficult finds are the words with the most choices.  My mother felt reading and puzzles were a waste of time.  She’d say your time would be better spent sweeping the floor.

Wordle 278 4/6






Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Home Again

Myrtle Marie Lavey Schilling lies in this Cemetery.  She was a WAC during World War II.

Laura and Eric have been in Minnesota visiting Eric’s Grandfather.  Howard is 96.  This year he will turn 97.   Grandma Myrt died in 1999.  He has fewer friends and family because they have all passed away.  He lives in an assisted living facility.  It’s a long drive to visit, but it’s an important thing to do.  I think it takes 10 or 12 hours to get there.  I’ll be glad to have them home again.  Sigrid will too.  She stayed here and has been in charge of Frodo, their Corgi.  

Howard served in World War II.  He worked for the city of Minneapolis until retirement.  


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

I’m No Fun


My knees can predict the weather.  There is the age-old theory that joint pain increases when the barometric pressure falls while accompanied by higher humidity levels.  Often, muscles, ligaments and joints are stiffer and more painful during damp, cold weather, and feel better during warm, dry weather. Cold and wet weather can also affect exercise and rest, which can then negatively impact how joints feel.  The best thing to help relieve weather-related joint pain is to stay active no matter what the weather is.  I don’t want others relying on me for a weather report.  What a responsibility that would be.   But I will report my knees are hurting more today.  😝

Monday, March 21, 2022

Up, Up

 How do you like to go up in a swing, 
             Up in the air so blue? 
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing 
             Ever a child can do! 
Up in the air and over the wall, 
             Till I can see so wide, 
River and trees and cattle and all 
             Over the countryside—
Till I look down on the garden green, 
              Down on the roof so brown—
Up in the air I go flying again, 
              Up in the air and down!
Robert Louis Stevenson

Ada is coming to see me Thursday.  I wish I had a swing.  We have had several that Larry attached to high tree limbs.   I really miss all the things Pop could do.

Pleasant Surprise— Saltines

Siggie and I are Corgi sitting for Astrid.  She has Penny and I have Blu!  Astrid and Logan will be home today.  Sigrid has cared for the horses plus Astrid and Logan’s chickens.  Ingrid and Siggie’s friend Ellie have helped her with the extra chores.  

I ran out of dog treats.  I was pleasantly surprised that Walmart had saltines.  I was down  to a half a sleeve.  They were only 98 cents.  I bought two boxes.  You can’t horde crackers.  They will go stale.  Saltines are the cracker I like best.  I’m not a brand person either.  Walmart brand is fine with me.  I’m sure these are very fresh.  Phinnie, Blu and I walked early as rain is heading our way.  

I hope you move around today.  I have marched in place when I was stuck indoors.  Don’t look for excuses today.   “He that is good for making excuses, is seldom good for anything else”. —Benjamin Franklin

Blu plus Siggie and Ellie


Sunday, March 20, 2022


 Laura made spring cookies yesterday and brought me some.  They were just is supposed to be in the 70’s and very spring like.  I hope to enjoy the sunshine.

This is the Lord’s Day.  How wonderful that sounds.  Momma used to say if it rained and the sun was shining  that “it was the devil’s birthday”.   Hope you have good fellowship on this Lord’s Day.  

Happy Number 42

Greg Jones has a birthday today.  If I had to choose traits I wanted for my sons in law, the first one I’d pick is “I’d want him to be a good dad”.   Greg is a great dad.  Second, I’d want him to be a good husband.  Greg is a wonderful husband.  Third, I’d want a son in law who works hard. Well, Greg does.  But the best thing about Greg Jones is he’s a good Christian.   I am blessed to have Greg in my family.  Happy Birthday to this special husband, father, brother, son, Christian man.