
Thursday, March 24, 2022


The Ornamental Pear trees are blooming.  They are not a favorite of mine.  The tree is a creation of man and is quite popular.  Leave it to man to create a tree called a Pear tree that bears no fruit.  Many yards and store island areas have this type tree. It grows fast and has a pretty shape without being trimmed.   The blooms stink and the tree never will be very big.  They break in storms because the wood is soft.   They have tiny pears the size of a little cherry.  The birds eat the seeds and spread the Pear trees around.  The new tree is changed and is full of thorns.  A lot of man’s ideas turn to thorns.  What if REAL pear trees had been planted?  Wouldn't that be awesome. Pears growing and spreading.

I am still playing Wordle.  I’m not any better than when I first started playing.  I don’t use a “system”.  I start with a word that has two ot three vowels.  I never use a second word that is completely new letters.  I know that would find more letters but it seems like cheating.  I average 4 try’s to get the word.  I find the most difficult finds are the words with the most choices.  My mother felt reading and puzzles were a waste of time.  She’d say your time would be better spent sweeping the floor.

Wordle 278 4/6







  1. Are those trees also called Bradford Pear trees?
    I'm still doing wordle too and look forward to doing it each day. My average is 3 or 4. Once in a while it takes me all 6 tries. I feel like it is good exercise for my mind. :)

  2. I got caught up in Wordle also. It's fun.
