
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Barn Door

Astrid uses the closet in the bathroom in the Galla Creek house.  It’s a big closet, but if you can image how the door when opened makes the access to the entire closet difficult.  I think this sliding door is called a barn door. It sides over out of the way.  Astride bought her lumber and materials and made the door from pine.  She glued and clamped it and then put it up on the closet.  She was afraid the light switch might get caught on the door and create a problem, but the door slides right over the switch.
Yesterday and today have been rainy and cool, but I have hopes tomorrow will be ruled by the sun.  I am cleaning the side of my chicken pen.  Huge dead poke stalks are between the pen and the fence.  When Larry was I’ll, things got away from us.  I used to mow by the pen with the push mower and hope I can again.   I have cleaned about 6 feet, but have lots more to go.  I’m using snippers and a bush ax.  I want to deter wild animals from coming near my pen.

I hope you have had a good day and have accomplished a task you wished to complete.  I met with my prayer group this morning.  I took my big printer to Staples for ink, and I walked this afternoon.  Half of March has slid by.  Another season has arrived.  I hope to die in late fall when my time comes so I cam miss one winter.


  1. Those barn doors are very popular. It looks nice.

  2. I like that door very much! Yes I am with you one less winter would be a real treat!
