
Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter Blessings

Ada had to wear her water boots to church with her Easter dress.  It has rained and rained and then rained more.  Erin bought nice anklets for her to wear but Ada wanted an Easter hat and gloves.  She wore her new socks as gloves.  She got to hunt eggs as the rain stopped for a while.

Laura made Apple Pie Cinnamon Rolls and brought me one for breakfast.  They were heavenly.  I have one saved for tomorrow morning.
Sigrid and her friend Ellie when to church at Dover.  Sig shared this photo.  There was a gaggle of boys around them.  I  cropped them out.  Siggie and Ellie have  been friends for a long time.  Sigrid was elected secretary of the student council for RHS.  Next year, I think she will read the school announcements each day—just one of her duties.  She was selected to attend Girls’ State.  I’m really proud of her accomplishments.  

Sigrid and Ellie have grown up together.
Eric grilled steak for lunch.  They were really good.  I fixed mashed potatoes and Laura made roasted asparagus, rolls, a beautiful salad, and lemon coconut cake.  Erin and Greg had dinner at church.  Erin said there was a nice crowd.  Another Easter is passed.  Everything is so different without Larry here.  I miss him always but at holidays I’m really sad. He loved having our family together.  If he were alive, we would have had ham and all the trimmings.  Seven layer salad he loved.  After Easter, he’d have salad for supper until it was gone.  

I finished my books and hope I can find something at the library when I return them.   I am reading Root Beer Lady.   Connie spoke of her book club reading it.  I ordered it from Amazon.  I’m going next week to see my Sisters.  I will stay one night.  I’m looking forward to taking them stuff can unload on them—clothes, shoes, junk, but they are collecting the same so I can never get ahead.  Sister Helen says she has a big pile for me.  My goal is for my pile to be bigger than their’s.  I’ll take Root Beer Lady to Sister Fleta to read.


  1. In mine 8 was the largest then 2 and 4 were about the same 2 was a little larger

  2. I hope you enjoy the Root Beer Lady! I enjoyed it:)
