This is Momma’s lilac blooming. The bush is older than me—seventy something years. She got a sprig from her mother, Irene Gaddy. Momma had Daddy plant it near the road but in the yard. Over the years the road got wider and the county grader almost killed the bush. Helen has revived it in Momma’s memory. My Momma didn’t do yard work or gardening. Daddy did all that. He hoed, plowed and picked what was grown. We children helped him. Momma put it away but he carried it in. She canned lots and froze too. My Momma broke her ankle in 1948. She was washing clothes at the creek and slipped on a mossy rock. We only had a spring for water then and in the summer water wasn’t as plentiful. Her ankle break was severe. They rebroke and reset it twice. It was painful the rest of her life. My Daddy even did a lot of the work in the house after he retired. They were a good team, a blessing to me.Laura with Momma’s Lilac…long time ago.
That was a beautiful lilac bush. You are so blessed to have it live so long!!