
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

One Step Closer

 Astrid and her nursing class wrapped up another semester.  She has one more.  She is learning so much.  The nursing program at ATU is very strong.  I am proud of all her hard work.  

Ingrid finished year two of College.  She hopes she gets accepted in the nuclear medicine program.  Her classes are really hard.  Lots of physics.  I don’t know anything about that. I never had any physics.  I am extremely proud of Ingrid’s hard work and diligence.  

When you speak of your grand children’s accomplishments it not boasting, it’s love.


  1. They have worked hard and planned well. You do have every right to be proud of them!!

  2. I'm proud for them and of them. You have
    a right to raise your head high and be proud!
    I'm proud when young people are taught, ever learning,
    and willing to serve. They are the ones that
    will take care of us. Yes we are proud! :)
