
Saturday, April 9, 2022

What Time is It?

It’s tulip time.
Today was so nice and sunny.  I walked an hour with Laura and Astrid.  Tomorrow we’re walking with Moses again on Mount Nebo.
I mowed today for the first time this season.  I just mowed places that were taller.  I’m thinking of not mowing all I did last year.  I may mow a path to the Lake but not that entire field.  I would cut about an acre off mowing.  That part is a field really not part of the yard.  I may just mow a path through it for walking.  If Logan bush hogs he can hog it like he does the rest.  Larry mowed it all plus part Astrid and Logan added to the horse pasture when the put up they fence.

 The horses and donkeys are thrilled the grass is turning green.  I can almost see them smiling.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty Tulips! The last one is waving! Mowing...I don't mind that job...I mow for my brothers too and I have a new mower this year! So in June if we get rain I mow every three or four trimming is a job I hate.
