Yesterday when I walked to the mailbox, I saw this pretty Spiderwort. Spider in the name refers to the visual effect of looking spidery, wort is an old word meaning plant. Native Americans used spiderwort to treat a number of conditions, from stomachache to infections to "craziness". It was also food, the shoots eaten raw or cooked. Spiderwort plants are sensitive to ionizing radiation, growing very poorly where radiation is present, so they are a good general indicator species for radiation.
Wordle 320 3/6. My Wordle today….
I think spider wort flowers are pretty. My mom used to have some that were more of a blue color instead of purple. I love blue flowers of any kind. Interesting to read that the Indians used them as medicine.
ReplyDeleteSuch a nice color! You have lots of Spring blooms!
ReplyDeletePretty purple flowers.
ReplyDeleteTook me all 6 tries before I got Wordle today!