
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Ole Red and My Saddle

I think Daddy bought Red for me in 1964.  It the year I was badly burned and missed 6 weeks of school.  Gilbert set me on fire at the gas cookstove.  We had butchered hogs that day.  I was leaning next to cook stove and he turned a front burner on.  I had rolled my hair on brush rollers.  It was wet.  I had on a flannel shirt tied in front.  I did not “stop, drop, and roll”.  I panicked and ran.  My Daddy ran after me, but couldn’t catch me.  I was running a circle in the house.  The flames were above my head he said. Then he turned and ran toward me.  He put the fire out with his hands.  I had his handprints on my back.  My Daddy saved my life.  That’s the way I see it.  He bought me Red trying to find something I could do.  

Sister Helen, wrote this about my saddle.  

After I had Cocoa for some years, my Sister Betty got a saddle horse named Red. Red was a decent horse about half broke, he could really fox trot. He was good sized maybe 15 or 16 hands tall. This was at the same time I had Cocoa. I was pretty spoiled and it was about time Betty got something. Betty rode ole Red for a summer or two. Daddy bought her a Lamb Saddle; it had silver stirrups and a brass horn. It was a high back saddle, very old but in good condition.

This is a picture of our old lamb saddle daddy bought it for Betty Renfroe back approximately 1964.   We have had it in the family ever since…I gave it to Gilbert a few years ago and Willis Powell brought it to me last night.   I have it sitting out on the porch and I’m rubbing it with a oil.  It was made by W. E. Lamb a saddle maker in Green Forest, AR.   The internet said he started making saddles in 1908 and continued until 1930.  This saddle was once owned by Daddy’s friend Jack Robertson.



  1. What a story! I'll bet you still have scars from getting burned.

  2. I imagine you do have scars! That's quite a story and a terrible experience for you! !

  3. Yes, I have bad scars. It was above my bra and below it. Where my bra ran across my back was protected I guess.. The worse was below my bra to my waist. You could see his hand print there a long time. It ran and Momma scraped the place. I kept a towel there to collect the ooze. It was bad. I wore a shirt backwards. The back had to be open. My Daddy kept me from burning up. My wet hair kept my hair from burning.

  4. WOW! An amazing story. We call our scars "Skin Stories" You have
    and awesome family. I love that you are sharing your life on here and
    I am a part of it. My dad had a mare that he LOVED. Her name
    was Sugar. We all cried when Sugar was laid to rest. She is buried here
    on our place. Your saddle is beautiful!

  5. Your saddle is a beauty. What an experience you had being burned, very scary and you were lucky that you didn't get an infection. Thank goodness your Daddy saved you!
