
Monday, October 17, 2022

Gone to the Hills

Went to ”the mountains” today.  My family knows that means the Ben Hur area.  My friend Margaret and I went to see her Aunt and my Cousin Irene.  She was doing quite well.  She has a new King wood stove a friend had gifted her.  He had to go on oxygen and couldn’t use wood heat with it.  It was warm and cozy in her house.  Son Stanley comes over early each morning and strokes her fire.  He has her entire winter wood supply cut, split and in the dry.  Irene was as proud of her heater as some would be a diamond ring.  Her old Ashley was burned out.  That’s what wood stoves do.  You can have them rebuilt but it’s expensive.  It was worth my trip just to spell that smoke that curled from Irene’s chimney.  If you grew up with wood heat, you know that feeling.



  1. I have no experience with wood stoves but they sound like they have charm. He neighbor is very good to her.

  2. I miss the wood is so much warmer:)
