Almost 200 years ago tonight (November 13, 1833) the stars fell from the sky. It was a spectacular meteor storm over America and millions of shooting stars rained down from the sky. Today the event is known as the Leonid Meteor Storm. It terrified all who witnessed it. 150,000 meteors per hour fell like fiery snowflakes. The sky rained stars. Many Christians saw the falling stars and shouted the fulfillment of biblical prophecy believing the end was near. They trembled. Guess what! This year, we can view another Leonid meteor shower. It will peak on November 17, 2022. The activity won’t come close to the 1833 event. I plan to go look and see. Be weary of what humans say they know about the end for only the Father knows. Mark 13:32, NIV: But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
I read about that recently cannot recall where. Very interesting! I like seeing meteors usually it is too cold in November to stay out for too long.