
Wednesday, April 26, 2023

When it’s cool, I sometimes wish for a pan of cornbread.  I eat it covered with milk.  I prefer buttermilk but usually don’t have that.  I made a pan Monday.  Since it’s cooked at 425 it really warms the kitchen.  And then I eat a bowl.  Later, I may open a can of black eyed peas and have another meal from it.  What’s left I crumble and feed it to the chickens.  They are excited to have a treat.  I can’t cook anymore.  Most of what I try to create gets fed to the chickens.  Glad I can still make a pan of cornbread.  Growing up on a farm with milk cows we had it almost every evening.  In the summer we had green onions to crunch with the bowl.  Momma cooked a meal at noon.  I’m glad I can still make cornbread if nothing else.  Yesterday, Astrid made yeast rolls.  I think it was her first try.  I hope they turned out delicious.  She works Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night this week.  Logan is on nights too.  He’s doing something at the nuclear plant here.  
Laura ordered a new canvas bag from Shutterfly.  Lovely.

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