Ada is still enjoying school. At first, she threw a hissy fit when nap time came. Greta did not make her nap during the summer as the family enjoyed it when she went to bed early. She slept later too. Ada has a little IPad. All weekend it was placed high on a shelf. She could see it but because of her behavior she did not get to use it at all. Monday, she was ready to behave better at school and took her rest at nap time.
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Hot Again
June and Rose Ann came to the fence this morning. Rosie was red from her dust bathing. The Poke weed God planted in the Maple tree is going to seed. Virginia Beauty blooms are almost finished but Blazing Star shoots are plentiful. I won’t be mowing this weekend as the grass is brown.
Ada is still enjoying school. At first, she threw a hissy fit when nap time came. Greta did not make her nap during the summer as the family enjoyed it when she went to bed early. She slept later too. Ada has a little IPad. All weekend it was placed high on a shelf. She could see it but because of her behavior she did not get to use it at all. Monday, she was ready to behave better at school and took her rest at nap time.
Ada is still enjoying school. At first, she threw a hissy fit when nap time came. Greta did not make her nap during the summer as the family enjoyed it when she went to bed early. She slept later too. Ada has a little IPad. All weekend it was placed high on a shelf. She could see it but because of her behavior she did not get to use it at all. Monday, she was ready to behave better at school and took her rest at nap time.
:) Sounds like her Mama found Ada's currency...and if it works way to go!! What a pill:)