I wanted a taller toilet. Today, Brandon the plumber came and put it in. Logan bought it so I could get the right one. American Standard is what Larry always bought and that’s what this one is. It’s 2 inches taller. Brandon also installed a new cutoff so if I need to cut off the water I can do it. The old one was full of dirt.
I’m having trouble with my washer drain. Brandon said he couldn’t fix it. I’ll need Logan to dig it out. Well, at least I got two items fixed.
My car is at Toyota dealer. Something with the electric clutch. Only has 20,000 miles. It’s warranted. This has been a problem with Rav 4. Hope this fixes the groan and clunk when it shifts from first to second.
We got American Standard High Rise toilets last Spring...they make a difference. Glad you got some of your issues solved!