I am so easily amazed by nature. I don’t know what the clump of white birds are! Maybe egrets or pelicans. I spy them when I walk and they are always in a tight wad. I suppose for warmth. The Heron is always fishing and gives me a cranky glance at my intrusion into his space.
Barges are fascinating to observe. They’re just huge flat bottom rafts. The first settlers in America moved mainly by water. George Washington founded two barge companies, first, The James River Company and then the Potomac Company. The first barges were moved by polemen not tug or tow boats. Spiked poles were used to fend off nearby vessels or a wharf to keep from colliding. A longer pole was used to maneuver and propel the barge. This has given rise to the saying "I wouldn't touch that [subject/thing] with a 10 foot pole”. The first Renfroe’s came to Arkansas before statehood by water from Wayne County, Tennessee by way of the Tennessee River then the mighty Mississippi. They floated into northeast Arkansas and settled. They farmed but mainly they were trappers selling furs.
Such a pretty area...and no ice on the water! Our people were mostly farmers....my Dad was a trapper in his teens and so were my brothers...it was a fun activity in the winter:)