
Sunday, April 14, 2024

Sunday Sun Shine

Ingrid played golf with Justin yesterday.  It’s something he loves.  It’s good for a couple to share each others passions.
I am pretty bad at golf.  I took it in college.  I would swing and miss the ball completely.  I think Laura is a pretty good golfer.  Larry’s brother Roger loved golf.  He had a stroke and couldn’t play anymore.  That really shortened his life.  
Astrid has become pretty adept at chicken hatching.  She bought eggs and hatched these.  She’s getting some new types! Names I don’t even recognize!  The only way I could ever raise baby chicks was under a Bantie hen🐣🐣 

Grandma Powell did this.  Patsy said she had a butane incubator.  She kept them first upstairs by the chimney.  Astrid and I carry the “Gertie Maples” chicken loving gene.  She sold her eggs to grocery stores in green forest.  They ate the roosters for Sunday dinner.  I don’t know if Grandma ordered any chicks through Sears.  I have ordered chicks and the mailman delivered them to me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I can here them cheeping! My favorite place to visit in the spring is the water tanks filled with newly hatched ducks and chicks at the farm water in the tanks just straw and heat lamps and feed and water container:)
