
Friday, September 13, 2024

Mrs. Clean

Oh dear, Sister Helen dropped her NEW iPhone 15 in her bucket of dirty mop water.  She bought a new spin mop.  First she scrubbed all the cabinets.  Then she scrubbed all the ceilings.  Next all other things she thought might be dirty got scrubbed!  Lastly, she scrubbed the floors! Boom, phone fell off kitchen counter and landed in the mop bucket full of dirty water.  Don’t try to call Sister.  Phone is off and drying just as internet recommended!  She has my old iPad so she can still search what to do.  I just want to boast—my iPhone 12 is just fine.  I’ve never dropped it in a mop bucket.  I don’t own a spin mop.  I really don’t have a mop bucket.  I use an old wash pan they give you when you’re in the hospital!  Yelp, I’m feeling smug!  My ceilings aren’t scrubbed nor are my cabinets.  But my phone is working fine!



  1. I have a mop like that, and a bucket, although I see they must have changed the way the bucket work a little. I should get it out and use it more. You'll never see me washing the ceilings.

  2. I still wash floors the old way a bucket a rag and hands and knees or butt if I am tired:)
