
Monday, November 25, 2024

Big Day


This is a big day for me.  First Laura and I are taking my car to Conway.  It has a recall about the back glass. Laura has a Dr. appointment there too. Then we’re going to Sam’s.  I have a list. After all this were not heading home. We’re going to Harrison. At 4:30 I will get to watch Greta’s game.  They play Pottsville! I’m excited.

This is a big day for Sister Fleta too.  She returned to work hobbled. She made it there and is at her desk. 

Hobbled is a neat word. We used to hobble the cows we milked if they were kickers. A contraption was hooked on their ankles and they couldn’t kick. So Fleta is hobbled to a walker. January 4th she’ll be 77. Most are hobbled at that age but don’t work still.

1 comment:

  1. Have a fun day! Fleta is a trooper still working at 77! We never hobbled our cows I didn't know it was a thing. If we had a kicker usually due to sore teats then someone usually my brother or I would hold the cows tail high in the air and they could not kick. The worst part is if they kicked the milker off and everything was full of shit:(
