Laura drove Astrid around to deliver eggs and a crepe Myrtle limb hit her taillight just right smashing it. Deductible on insurance is $500.00. She thought “I can fix this. That’s what Dad would do”. He ordered parts off EBay, but she found the cover on Amazon and now she’s back like before.
Larry did all kinds of things to cars. To perfect his body repair skills he took a class at a Vo Tech school in Little Rock. The students bought a wrecked vehicle and repaired it. The class was on Saturday for a year. He bought a totaled Jeep and that was his project. He still had it when he passed away. I gave it to his brother.
Laura has always had an I can attitude. She gets it from him.
Way to go Laura! AND that jeep is really good looking what a fun project for your Larry:)