Sister Fleta recommended this book by Julie Pandl. It’s about her life growing up, but the focus is really on her parents. Both parents were Catholics from German families that immigrated to Michigan area at the beginning of the 1900’s. The Pandl’s were restaurant owners. The focus of the establishments were serving seafood and alcohol. Her father’s place was a very nice one by the water. The family had 9 children and he trained each in ways to serve the public. It’s funny and informative and entertaining. It follows her parents’ lives to their demise. I really enjoyed the book.
Astrid said her chickens were not laying very good. Chickens lay more when the days are longer so light in the chicken house helps production. A food that provides heat ( corn) helps too. I keep layer and corn out for my hens. When it’s really cold they go for the corn.
Nice looking chickens! I sent you a card last week, hope you have it by now...I guessed at the address:)