
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pan Handlers

Everyone is a pan handler now days. They are doing it all in the name of good will. On every tv show, in every store, at every door, someone waits begging for your money. Do you want to give to St. Jude's? Teen Challenge? Would you like to give your change to help someone learn to read? I made up my mind to always say no! I would rather give where I know my money is going. Teen Challenge gets reformed druggies to beg. Each store has a pet. K-Mart is St. Jude, Dollar Store wants to teach someone to read? Many of these groups go forth bragging of their good deed when actually a poor old woman checking out in the store gave the money. I don't like to give money to any group that has administrators...for that is where most of the money goes...into the pockets of the folks running the goodness!

I really think if you want to do something good for someone say for Christmas go find them yourself and do the good deed and just keep your mouth shut. The Lord will see what you have done!

1 comment:

  1. I am always reminded of the story our Daddy told about Grandma someone that had Missionaries coming to the door wanting a chicken for the poor and she told them to come back in an then she had dressed and cooked the chicken and took it to a needy neighbor telling them when they returned she was afraid they would not know the way to the needy family so she delivered it,,,h
