Thursday, March 16, 2023

Ingrid’s Future

 Ingrid is ready to take the next step in her life career!  She was accepted into the Baptist Health Nuclear Medicine Program today.  CONGRATULATIONS, Ingrid Christensen💙 The program accepted only 6 applicants from Arkansas colleges.  I don’t understand exactly what she’ll be doing but I know only exceptionally smart folks get in this program!  Oh, she gets all those smarty genes from her Gigi🥴🥴


Donna. W said...

I'm proud for you, having such smart and good-looking grandkids.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Way to go! I am certain she gets her smarts and looks from you!

Margie's Musings said...

I am sure of that too. I have read your blog for years and it is apparent to me that you are very smart.