Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Another Storm

A storm and more cold is coming today. Will I survive. Our temperatures will crash again. I’ll pray my heat doesn’t tear up and I’ll keep the faucets dripping a match stem. There will be no school, no college, no exercise classes just sitting and waiting until it all gets here and leaves. It’ll be cold until Saturday. Then we’ll have normal highs which is upper 40’s and 50’s for this time of year.  

My Sister is sick. Helen’s immune system is compromised from cancer. She has trouble fighting off illness. Her lungs are weak. I am praying for her to be well and silly again.
These are pictures of the Red Sea. Laura is now what we call middle aged. Her friend’s son is in the Army and stationed in Egypt. He rides helicopters and his job has to do with the landing. He stands in the door on landing. He took these of the Red Sea.  They fascinated me. I imagined the Israelites there with an army on their heels. 



Far Side of Fifty said...

Windchills -40 this morning, luckily we can stay in today. I hope your sister Helen recovers quickly. What beautiful photos. Stay warm:)

DrumMajor said...

Nice photos. Hope your sister is working with her doc to get better. Yep, stay inside. Linda in Kansas