Galla Creek Ephemeris
Life through faded blue eyes in Galla Meadow!
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Saturday, March 22, 2025
School Days
Astrid took her dogs to the pond and they all went for a swim. She sneaked a look in Pop’s Wood duck house and it was full of eggs. Covered in down. Hope they hatch.
Friday, March 21, 2025
New Refrigerator
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Just a Scribble
Sigrid needed one class to be eligible for UAMS pharmacy. She has to have a certain class and will take it in summer school. The school helped her find it online. She chose trig and is taking it through a school in Nebraska. Below is some of her chemistry work. She maps processes on a white board to understand them. She is not just a pretty face. There’s a brain there. It looks like Chinese to me!
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Greta is a thrower in track— shot and disc! Today she competed at Heber Springs. Erin said 31 schools were there, but I’m doubtful of Erin’s knowledge as that sounds like too many. Greta had two personal bests! Second in shot and 4th in discus. Track is a team sport. Greta Ann earned 13 points for her team. Proud of my girl. 💙🤍💙
Here’s Ada in kindergarten and Greta the same. Greta always loved sports. She ran like the wind at 5. She was already taking gymnastics and doing flips and handstands. Ada runs like a bunny. I think it’s interesting that children are born with likes and dislikes. I’m thinking Ada will not be a great athlete but she may be an actress!
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
One Eyed Helen
I go to the Dr. today about my blood pressure. The new ace inhibitor is working fine. It’s enalapril. I had a cough but it’s subsided so I guess I had a virus and the med didn’t cause it. I do get dizzy some on standing, but that’s the only side effect I’ve noticed.
Monday, March 17, 2025
Like Minds
I love the mystery of DNA. I’m a search angel. I help folks who have a dna mystery. Adoptees usually find a mystery. To give up a child isn’t easy. So often there’s a hidden story carrying sadness. Last one I helped find a father found sadness. He was in prison for murder in Nevada and was only 15 when she was conceived. I searched farther and found he had died. One father was a school shooter. The searcher needs to consider if they can handle their mystery. Twins found a mother who was alive but would not meet them. Everyone I’ve helped said they were happier with the knowledge than the mystery.
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Flowers in my Garden bloom
Wye Mountain and the flower that built a church!
Wye Mountain comes alive each March in a sea of yellow for the annual Daffodil Festival. It is hosted by the Wye Mountain United Methodist Church. In 1919, Austin Harmon moved to Wye Mountain from Oklahoma to start a church in an old schoolhouse. That church is now the Wye Mountain United Methodist Church. In 1927, Austin bought half a bushel of daffodil bulbs in Little Rock and planted them around his home. Austin traveled back and forth to Oklahoma, where he continued collecting bulbs and transplanting them. In 1948, the church starting selling the blooms to raise money. By 1965, the congregation had raised enough money from the daffodils to build a new church and move out of the old schoolhouse. They had 7 acres of daffodils. They stoped selling the flowers and held a daffodil festival instead. The festival had no we date. It was determined by when the flowers bloomed. Today the flowers still bloom and anyone can go and take pictures freely. 🌼🌼
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Uninvited guest came by and asked to stay for dinner! He has his eye on my sunflower and corn feeder😂
Ada and her mother and sister are coming today! She’s out of lipstick. Laura picked up some for me to give her plus two little spring outfits!
We had tornadoes in our area last night. It’s that time of year! March is half over! Most days I feel like I’m pretty worthless to the world. News is depressing! Everyone seems to hate everyone else. It’s not my way. I want to love and help others. This week I tried to not tune in to the drear reported and I have felt better. Helen is having cataract surgery Monday on one eye and then in two weeks the other eye. Fleta will take her. I could come up if Fleta can’t get off. They were afraid of something in one eye but the surgery is on go.
Friday, March 14, 2025
March’s full moon is called the worm moon and the sugar moon. Ground starts to thaw and worms start to crawl. Maple trees are tapped and maple syrup drips. Go outside tonight and see the March full moon. Laura read that diabetics can consume maple syrup with benefits.
I worked cleaning the side fence yesterday. It is a grown up mess. Lots of Chinese Privet grows there. I despise it. I’m making progress.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Little Beauties
Little pixie flowers bloom early. They are just for those who look closely. Most folks step on them and move on. Spring Beauty patches are in my yard. I am watching for the pink wood sorrel because it’s a favorite of mine! Nature is worth stopping to gaze upon!
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Virginia American Beauty Blooms
Fairy flowers 🧚🧚♀️🧚♂️
The little Spring Beauty flowers are blooming! Their real name is Virginia Claytonia. They grow over half of North America and are a low plant with loose clusters of pink or whitish flowers, striped with dark pink. The Plant disappears from above ground shortly after the seed capsules have ripened. You’ll see these in large spectular patches. They grow from an underground tuber like a small potato and have a sweet, chestnut-like flavor. Native Americans and colonists used them for food and they are still enjoyed by those interested in edible wild plant.
The green area is where the little fairy flower grows.Here is what the little tubers look like. I’m thinking of digging some after these bloom and wither.