Laura's birthday is today...I remember the love I
felt when I held her first. I told Daddy how responsible
I felt and how the love I felt hurt my heart. He told me
that my lord loved me many, many times over this
enormous feeling I had. I could not even imagine the love
that my Saviour had for me. The image gave me a great
understanding of "everything will be ok" for I have a
great Father in heaven on my side and taking care of me.
Today, he is patting my hand saying ..."fear no evil, for I
am here to comfort and take care of you".
Fleta wrote this poem about Laura about 10 years ago
and it sums Laura up pretty good!
Warm hearted lady
Tender, considerate
Always thinking of others
Caring, loving
Sweetness and light
A friend dependable and true
Standing for her beliefs
Without regard to what others think
Sunshine on a cloudy day!
The Lord sent sunshine to me with my first child. He
sent my second one as an anchor for my soul, a solid
rock to hold me fast and care for me. Laura shines
rays of sunshine on me and Erin holds me close with
an anchor! Whatever troubles come my way,I cannot
complain for I know I have had two great blessings
and it is enough for my lifetime, but alas, God added
more fold blessings to me....3 little girls to send
bubbles of joy to my heart!