Erin called me the next day after the ice
storm and said they had gotten their power
back on. She, Greg and Clayton were with
Grandma and Grandpa Griffin as they had
a gas fireplace. She told me that she figured
the electricity would nto stay on...and it did not
as within 6 hours it was off again. They did not
get it back until yesterday. I guess about the same
time as Patsy.
Erin has started working days at the hospital and she
likes it...but they scheduled her for Wed. night...she
told me that she did not want to go, but in the end
she not only went but went in early to a hospital with
no electricity. They moved all the hospice patients into
the hospital as many of them were on oxygen. Erin
worked through the night with only one lpn to help her.
She had 27 patients, no electicity. Some of the rooms did
not even have a light. The generator was for important
things...I guess not lights or tv.
Erin has worked since then on days. She called yesterday
exhausted. I know the hospital did not even give her an
extra thank you for her ordeal, but she is a good girl and
a good nurse and a good mother.