These pictures are of Galla Creek...not Galla Lake. We had a great
idea of paddling the little boat to the Creek, docking near the Creek
edge and eating our breakfast. Well, Laura and I paddled about an
hour to get to the Creek. Probably half a mile.When we got up in
the Creek there was no place to go ashore. The water was high
and the edge was snakey. We saw a big Water Moccasin swimming
not far from the Lily pads we thought were so pretty.
We just floated in the still water and Astrid and Sigrid ate
their snack and drink their juice. Ingrid's butt hurt to much
to eat. She has no padding back there. Siggie made me a nervous
wreck leaning over the side to throw her Fritos to the fish. She and
Asty sat in the back and Ingrid sat between Laura and I and guided
the rudder. Asty rested her feet on the back of the boat. Siggie tried
the same. One pretty red flip flop fell off in the Lake. Too bad, so sad
said Laura. Siggie starts to cry in the middle of Galla Lake. I think
'she may jump in and try to find her flip flop'. Mom told her she was
not buying any more that she should not have been resting her feet
out of the boat. Siggie took off her other flip flop and heaved it out
into the middle of the Lake. She has a little of Aunt Helen in her.
We were all glad to get to the shore and back on dry land.