Tuesday, March 30, 2021

16 Candles

Sigrid picked strawberry pie for her birthday.  16 candles covered her pie.


Sigrid is 16

No more taking Sig to school. She drove herself today.  
Saw this about flying kites.  Didn’t see an author.  Siggie is soaring on her own today.

are like 
kites. You 
spend a lifetime
trying to get them 
off the ground. You 
run with them until you 
are both breathless ~ they 
crash ~ You add a larger tail 
~ they lift the rooftop. ~ You 
pluck them out of the spout ~ you 
patch and comfort, assure them that
someday they will fly! ~ Finally they 
are airborne, but they need more string. 
~ You keep letting the string out but
with each twist of the ball of twine
there is some sadness along with
the joy. The kite becomes more 
distant and somehow you know 
it will not be long before 
your beautiful child will 
snap the life line that
bound you together 
and soar as she 
was meant to

Monday, March 29, 2021

Hearts of One Accord

 Sometimes, the heart grows weary.  Hope the doctors can jump start Sister’s today.  He’s in charge and we are hopeful that He knows we still need her with us a while longer.

Sunday, March 28, 2021



Ingrid’s boyfriend likes fishing so ingrid is often fishing too.  Laura and Eric went out to eat out of town one evening.  Spring break is done, but Razorbacks aren’t. They have made the elite eight.  First time since 1994.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Down on the Farm

Astrid’s latest project🐣🐣🐥🐥🐔🐔. Down on Galla Creek Farm,  is a chicknicking table instead of a picnicking one!


Two Corgis

Oh, dear!  Laura has lost her mind!   Today, she walked two Corgis and Frodo is still just a pup.  The boys thought they were “hot dogs”.  They strutted the whole way.


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Spring Flowers for Pop

The girls and I took spring flowers to Pop today.  As more time passes, the more I realize how wonderful he was.


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Indian Rockhouse

Eric. Laura, Sigrid,and I hiked to Indian Rockhose today.  Its wonderfully scenic with many great points of interest including sculpted bedrock, a waterfall, a former zinc mine, and the Indian Rockhouse Cave.  The trail is in Marion County at Buffalo Point.

It was almost too much for me but I made it.  It is a vigorous hike with about 400 feet of elevation change, but it is well worth it.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

New Chick

 Astrid got a new chick.  A little dark hen.  She’s really pretty.

Monday, March 22, 2021

New Aids


Greta got her new hearing devices today.  I looked back to see when she got her first pair—April 30, 2014.  Almost 7 years of wearing these same aids.  About a month ago one got wet as she ran through the rain to the house.  It wouldn’t work.  Greta cried her heart out.  She said I won’t know what to do at school.  Insurance doesn’t help pay for Greta’s hearing aids.  Seems ridiculous to me.  She went to Children’s Hospital for these.  I hope they last 7 years like the others. 

Saturday, March 20, 2021


 One of Astrid’s little goats had a babe.  Sigrid is helping.

Got my weed eater and push lawn mower started today.  Mowing time is coming.  Laura went to Atwood’s  and bought me a new flower wagon.  I needed one as mine was worn out.  Sort of like this one.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

A Winner


Sigrid ran for office and today found out she won.  She’s secretary of the Student Council next school term.  She used several ploys to win.  She tried to attain the sympathy vote.  Hope that helped put her over the top vote wise.

Hee Haw


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Minus a half dead Ash Tree

Called River Valley Tree Service early today.  By noon they had removed a big ash tree and huge stump from my yard.  Thank you, Donnie Turney.


Monday, March 15, 2021

Sigrid’s Success

I went tonight and watched Sigrid be inducted into the National Honor Society.  I have missed getting to attend school events.   Proud of Sigrid’s good grades, and her common sense.  Sigrid said a young man said to her, “ you’re the prettiest girl here.”  Made the evening for her.

Saturday, March 13, 2021


 Johnny and June are loving the green grass.  Astrid chose a female farrier to trim their hooves.  Girls can.

Child Care Philosphy

We took Ada on our walk.  Laura pushed her.  I can barely carry myself along.  I put one of my hats on Ada.  She liked pulling it over her eyes.  Whatever was fine with me.  She tried out Phinnie’s dog crate.  In my old age my child care philosophy is “let Ada do whatever she wishes”.


New Walking Buddy

 My old sister Patsy made pallets for my girls.   They were made on the crazy quilt design.  Some way she used newspapers to sew them together then tore the backing off.  This is the one she made Erin.  Ada likes it.  Little dumpling is coming to my house today and staying with me while Erin and Greta go on to watch the Harrison Goblins in the state tourney.  Erin’s hauling her stroller so if the rain holds off Laura and I will have a new walking buddy.  ❤️❤️

Friday, March 12, 2021

Blooming Again

Flowers are blooming again.   Spring is time of renewal.  Time to plant and work new seeds and see how the harvest will be.  How does your garden grow.