Monday, January 31, 2022


 I am thinking of spring and planting hyssop some where.  Have you ever grown it?

Hyssop is an evergreen plant that originally grew in southern Europe, the Middle East and central Asia. It’s classified as a garden herb, and is part of the mint family.  Hyssop is mentioned in the Bible numerous times.  It was used in cleansing.  Anise comes from hyssop.  I would like to pluck a bloom and smell and taste what Jesus did on the cross.  He was already clean, but I am far from it.   John 19:29-30 - “A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”

Sunday, January 30, 2022

My Governor

 My Arkansas Governor is Asa Hutchison.  He’s a Republican.  I respect him.  I don’t agree with all his decisions, but he uses facts to decide what to do.  Below is an interview he had this week.  He says what he thinks.  

I do not believe Trump is the one to lead our party and our country again as president,"  Gov. Hutchinson said during his interview with Business Insider.

The governor was also asked if believes that Trump should run for president again in the upcoming election, along with who he believes should lead the country instead.

"That's what the election is all about," Hutchinson said. "The Republican Party has many different voices and it's important in this time to have those voices, and they should be concentrating on this election cycle."

Hutchinson has publicly challenged Trump in the past, as he was one of the first republican governors to encourage the former president to transfer power to President Biden following the election in 2020.

The governor also stated he believes that Trump's constant efforts to challenge and discredit the results of the 2020 election could result in a 'disaster' for republican candidates that are running for office this year. 

"I've made it clear: This is about the future. It's not about the past elections. I don't believe the election was stolen. I respect the results," Hutchinson said.

Despite Hutchinson's comments, many still believe that Trump plans to run in the 2024 presidential election after a video surfaced recently where the former president refers to himself as 'the 45th and the 47th' President of the United States.  

Saturday, January 29, 2022

My New Chair

 My new chair♥️♥️Cold and rain won’t stop me now.  I’m already loving it.  My goal is to watch my favorite tv program, Jeopardy, while pedaling.  Still I plan to walk outside.

Friday, January 28, 2022


I got a perm today.  First one since I got my hair cut short.  I’m putting this here to recall the date of the perm.  Phinnie and I walked and almost got blown away.  But I closed my exercise ring.  
Ada doesn’t go to the store much.  Erin can usually leave her with Greg or a sibling.  Poor little one is wearing a mask so she can be a little protected.  Be glad when Covid is a memory.
This house has nasty old paneling in the bedrooms.  I had a board and tried to make a shelf above my desk computer.  I’m not very handy.  I moved the picture up a couple inches from the picture and it looks a little better.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Nancy Anderson—A Good Lady



Nancy Ann (Anderson) Ratzlaff of Green Forest, Arkansas was born May 10, 1944, in Fanning, Arkansas to Tom and Cleta (Priest) Anderson. Nancy passed away Tuesday, January 25, 2022, in Fayetteville, Arkansas at the age of 77. 

She graduated from Green Forest High School in 1962 and began work at the First National Bank of Green Forest shortly after. On August 3, 1968, Nancy married Benjamin A. Ratzlaff at her parents home in Green Forest. Over the next years Nancy continued to bank while Ben grew their cattle and poultry farms. After retiring from the bank, she spent her time managing farm operations and watching her nieces, nephews and grandchildren. Nancy enjoyed working in her flower beds, researching genealogy for her family and local and bank history. 

Nancy is survived by daughter Julie Adams of Green Forest, Arkansas; daughter-in-law Andrea Ratzlaff of Virginia Beach, VA; three grandsons Jeff Adams, Barrett Ratzlaff and Sepp Ratzlaff; two granddaughters Karley Adams and Sofia Ratzlaff; great granddaughter Khloe Adams; brother Tommy Ray Anderson and wife Lucille of Green Forest. 

She is preceded by her husband Ben Ratzlaff; son, Thomas Ratzlaff; parents, Tom and Cleta Anderson; sister Betty Hasty. 

Visitation will be 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., Sunday, January 30, 2022. Funeral service will be 10:00 a.m., Monday, January 31, 2022, at Nelson’s Green Forest Chapel with Brother Kevin Robertson officiating. Memorial donations may be made to Ratzlaff Legacy Foundation at any Anstaff Bank location or online at Arrangements are under the direction of Nelson Funeral Service. Online condolences may be sent to the family at © Nelson Funeral Service, Inc. 2022.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Pay Day

Little Sigrid got her first paycheck this week.  Just yesterday she was a little one.  I know she was excited.  Her check was $49.00.  My first paycheck was $12.00 and I worked an entire week for it.  I liked the feeling of having money all my own.  Do you remember your first paycheck?


Blue Egg


Look a pretty blue egg today.  Also, I gathered 4 brown ones and a green. 

Astrid got a green speckled egg.  Is so pretty.  She has 3  new guineas.  I’m jealous.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Covering Junk Behind a Sheet

 Today I put a small curtain rod up and hung a gray sheet over the bathroom closet.  There are four shelves behind the curtain.  I have each shelf full.  At one time this had doors and Larry had redone them and painted them to match the bathroom, but then he got the idea of making a new style of door.  He tore all the doors off and had three new ones made when he passed.  I’d have to hire someone to make them.  For now I’ll just hang this curtain.  

Monday, January 24, 2022

Momma 101

Momma would be 101 today.  In the picture of her and my Dad their shadows are one.  To sum it up they are me and I am them.  She was a giving person, a great example.  She gave herself when she had little, putting others first. Happy Birthday, Momma.


Saturday, January 22, 2022

Company Today

Had the best company today.  We climbed trees, walked at Lake  Dardanelle, and had macaroni and cheese for lunch.  Ada is still the sweetest little girl.


January Almost Over

Logan turned 23 this week.  I think of him as being a kid, but when I was 23 I thought I was all grown up.  Looking back is different from looking ahead.  
Laura put this double picture on my new calendar.  Three sisters live on.  We’re in the same birth order in the pictures.   

It’s 17 degrees this morning.  Erin and the children are coming to visit today.  

Friday, January 21, 2022

January Brrrr

I doubt I walk outside today.  It was 16 when I woke this morning.
I finished a puzzle.  I’m not good at putting puzzles together, but I know it works my brain.  I do them for brain exercise.  Larry loved these and enjoyed getting one completed.  
The geese at Lake Dardanelle aren’t afraid of humans.  Geese will sometimes even chase people walking.  They run at you with head sticking straight out in front honking loudly.

 My friend Kay Lou attended the ATU basketball game last night.  We have been friends since 1969, when I transferred from School of the Ozarks in Missouri to AR Tech.  Old friends are precious like gold.  My Erin said Mom take a selfie of you and Kay.  This was the best we could do🤣.  The Suns lost so badly, I told Kay, “they should have paid us to watch that game!”

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Corn Cobs?

Yesterday I made cornbread in this cast iron pan.  When I was just a wee girl, I stayed over night with my Grandma Powell.  She made corn bread in a pan like this. I remember thinking it was so good.  MyMomma cooked for a big family and never made these.  It would have taken too many to feed us.  

Monday, January 17, 2022

Johnny and June

Johnny and June have been wearing their coats because of the cold and snow.  They’re happy to have one another.  Always together.  This is their song….

I wanna love like Johnny & June,

Rings of fire burnin' with you,

I wanna walk the line,

Walk the line,

'Till the end of time..


Sledding Again

 Clayton and Greta begged Erin to take them to the big hill to sled today.  Greg took them here, yesterday.  They still had enough snow for some good fun.  Lots of exercise too. They have to climb back up the hill to slide down again.  💙💙

New Monday

Our snow will all disappear today.  Half of January has passed.  I see the green of  little lilies bursting through the earth.   I hope to exercise my soul and spirit today, not just my physical body.   My body is only a container.  What’s inside a container is more important.  My each of you be blameless today.  A glorious thought indeed.

1 Thessalonians 5:23

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Snowy Day

It snowed all day and there was only about an inch or two on the ground at the end of it. Phinnie was thrilled that we still walked for the mail. I'm not a big fan of snow. Growing up the cows still had to be tended, wood was still stacked on the porch, and lots of other chores completed. We even had to carry our water into the house in buckets. It ruined the pretty scenes for me. I think about the animals and people traveling roads. We can't escape our past as it affects our present.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
but I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.

Robert Frost


Saturday, January 15, 2022

Corgi’s to New Home

 Astrid and Logan sent the first two babies to their new homes today.  


We are getting snow but it’s still 38 degrees.  If it snows through the night it will accumulate more.  It’s colder at Sister’s hose and at Erin’s.  Erin sent a video of the kids sledding.  This is a first for Ada.  Clayton is ready for a snowball fight.


Friday, January 14, 2022

Take the Stairs

I ran into this guy when I walked at Lake Dardanelle State Park.  Guess he heard I was parking far.  He yelled, “take the stairs”.   Some are such know it alls!  🤣


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Lucky Me

 Laura’s school has gone to alternate instruction because of the high number of Covid illnesses.  Sigrid tested positive on Monday.  She has a sore throat.  The local library gave me a rapid test so if I have symptoms I can rest for it.  

Laura and I will walk today.  The sun is supposed to shine.

Helen is going to the dentist today.  She has an aching tooth.  

I’m thankful today that I live where there are mountains and valleys not just forever flatness.  January is half passed.  I have all my bird feeders full.  My hens are laying pretty eggs.  My life is good.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Set a Record


I set a record of 6 eggs today.  I have 11 young hens.   Love good eggs.

Let His Light Shine in Me

Someone who lives on Crow Mountain has a cross on their house.  It comes on each night and shines ‘til daylight.  Did they place the light to shine for me?  The ones that live in this house can’t see their light.  That’s the way the Lord’s light shines in our hearts.  It’s there alit for others to see inspiring them.  Let His light shine bright in my heart today.  Can you see it?

Jeremiah 20: 9 

His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.