Erin had to remind me to not yell loudly. I guess you can't be an avid fan, just a polite one. I did not like it one little bit. Drove all that way and I wanted to CHEER.
Saturday, April 30, 2022
Cheering for Greta
Friday, April 29, 2022
She Inspires Me
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Push on, Ole River
In the dark of the midnight, have I oft hid my face
While the storm howls above me and there's no hiding place
Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry
Keep me safe til the storm passes by.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Treasures of the Past
Treasures of the past… This was Granny Renfroe’s lamp. I know it came to Arkansas from the Humphrey’s in New York. Granny got it from her Mother Mary Humphrey Standridge, Granny passed it to Larry’s Mom, she passed it to Gary Renfroe and in 2018, Uncle Gary passed it to Laura. At one time I knew the exact story of the coal oil lamp, but now the details have escaped my mind. I should written it down. These lamps were once a new invention, much desired over candles. In 1846 Abraham Gesner invented a substitute for whale oil for lighting, distilled from coal. Later made from petroleum, kerosene became a popular lighting fuel. Modern and most popular versions of the kerosene lamp were later constructed by Polish inventor and pharmacist Ignacy Łukasiewicz, in Lviv in 1853. It was a significant improvement over lamps designed to burn vegetable or sperm oil.
Days of trimming a wick are over. We just buy a little battery light at Harbor Freight. I don’t think the new light will last to be passed down 100 years from now. I’ve had to toss several in the trash. Old refrigerators used to last 50 years. Now, many are history in two. The average life of a fridge today is 13 years. Something seems amiss. Are we really smarter?
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
One Step Closer
Astrid and her nursing class wrapped up another semester. She has one more. She is learning so much. The nursing program at ATU is very strong. I am proud of all her hard work.
Ingrid finished year two of College. She hopes she gets accepted in the nuclear medicine program. Her classes are really hard. Lots of physics. I don’t know anything about that. I never had any physics. I am extremely proud of Ingrid’s hard work and diligence.
When you speak of your grand children’s accomplishments it not boasting, it’s love.
Practice, Practice
Monday, April 25, 2022
Momma’s Lilac
Second Hand Rose
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Spring Blooms
Saturday, April 23, 2022
Great Visit
I had a wonderful sister visit. 💙 We had a delicious lunch, I sat in the massage chair 30 minutes, walked to Callan Branch Graveyard. It was a relaxing time. I hope to go again in May.
Friday, April 22, 2022
I See the Sun
Star of Bethlehem blooms are appearing now. The little flower was named after Jesus’ star.
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Back Door Company
You see there’s front door visitors and back door ones. Back door friends are the dearest to the heart. I keep the front door locked but my back door is unlatched.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Potato House
One of the group sites posted this. It’s Johnny George’s potato house. Wouldn’t it be great to have a potato house again.? You just take a bucket out and bring in what you want. You might sprinkle a little lime on them to help preserve them. Growing up we kept our potatoes under the house. It was my job to go get them for Momma some times. We ate potatoes everyday and usually pinto beans and corn bread too. It sounds good today, but then I thought it wasn’t appetizing. Before spring we used all of our potatoes and we were happy when we could “gravel” a few. You scrape them as the peel is just too soft to use a knife. We dug potatoes in July. Here, larry and I dug them in June.
Granny Renfroe cooked the first ones with green peas and later we cooked them with fresh green beans as green beans weren’t ready early. Momma never taught me to cook. She didn’t want you “in the way”. I learned from Larry’s Momma and Granny. Granny said when cooking new potatoes and green beans—“you have to cook all the liquid out but don’t scorch them or you’ll ruin that “mess”. 🥰
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Sigrid Gets Award
Monday, April 18, 2022
Flying Flowers
Erin told me she was a 6 not a 4. She also said, “Mom, that’s just a bunch of made up stuff”. Oh, 6’s are skeptics. Sadly, 5’s are usually stingy. Oh, dear that smarts. I don’t put lots of faith in the test being good for anything.
I finished Root Beer Lady that Connie spoke of on her blog. I really loved it. Dorothy identified with her island. Made me recall how I feel about Galla Meadow. Friday, I’m carrying the book to Sister Fleta.
Never Too Old
Here’s the link to test
It’s pink Dogwood bloom time. I love seeing all the spring blooms. I always want to know what each bloom is. That goes with being a 7 personality.