Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Up Home

I read this last week.  It’s about a girl’s rise from poverty.  It was encouraging and I enjoyed it. Ruth was the 12th child born in east Texas to a sharecropper. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Cutting Wood

Logan is a good friend.  A guy he knows has a fireplace and he had a big trunk of a tree he’d cut and it had dried.  He put the splitter on the tractor and his friend has a pile of good dried fireplace wood.

The sun came out yesterday after a bunch of dreary days. Ada got outside and enjoyed tooling around on her bike!


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Filling Up

Got another half inch of rain. The pond and lake are about normal again.  The Meadow feels spongy when walking there.  


Saturday, December 28, 2024


 Kay and I went to the Hoops for Hunger tournament last evening.  She recognized names on the rosters. Bella Ussery was on Pottsville’s team along with Mayli (Don and Sydna Daily’s granddaughter).  Coach Keaster’s granddaughter was running the court for Russellville.  We enjoyed watching the game.  Russellville won but Pottsville played a good game too.

Friday, December 27, 2024


Greta wanted her ears pierced for Christmas and she got her wish.  Ada got earrings too.  Ada’s favorite thing is looking beautiful.

Sigrid went with Marvin to his Christmas family party.  She wore her Mom’s red shoes!  Her foot is smaller than Laura’s but she said they expand to keep her styling.

We’ve been getting rain daily.  We really need it.  Not seeing the sun is depressing though.  Helen says I should never wish for winter again.  My Dad got depressed each winter.  His girls took after him. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Donkeys Christmas

Astrid gifted the donkeys a ball to share.  They took to it immediately.  Play ball.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas

 May your Christmas be bright

Christmas Gift

Got over an inch and half of rain yesterday.  It’s a gift.
Helen gave me this desert plant from Arizona.  It’s called Mother of Millions.  I think it’s blooming. 
Laura made Christmas cookies.  I love them with a cup of coffee. She brought me two yesterday.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


My friend Kay and I dove around last evening looking at the pretty lights.  There were lots this year!


Monday, December 23, 2024

Ada Came

Ada came yesterday.  Her robe fit perfectly and she liked her little gift. She named her new pet whiskers.  
I have made a couple of this old style hat this week.  Siggie is giving the above to Marvin. She may fib and say she created it.  I’m all in with whatever Sig does!

New year is on the way. Fleta goes to bone Dr. today. I hope her report is all good.  This will be my 75 Christmas. Seems heavy in my head.


Sunday, December 22, 2024

Christmas Stockings

Astrid had her Mom create a stocking for each of her pets. This was a piece of an old quilt Larry bought once at a sale.  Something was wrapped in it. I wonder what Corgis want in their stocking-maybe a bone!
Laura made these little stockings and mittens to gift. They’re tree ornaments and will have a few bills tucked inside.
Astrid’s tree reminds me of an old fashioned one.  I don’t have a tree this year.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Shoes for Amy

I made Librarian Amy some house shoes.  👠 I think they were a little big, but maybe if she washes and dries them they’ll fit better.


Friday, December 20, 2024


Sister Helen’s here!  I had to fix lunch—cornbread and soup!  I’m simple. I may chain her up here and keep her!

My friend Kay and I went to support the Golden Suns.  They lost but it was a good game to watch.  Atkins, AR’s Cunningham played a good game.  She’s only a freshman.


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Tech Basketball

My friend who has bees in the Meadow brought me a quart of honey.  I’m not sure it’s from my hive but I’m pretending it is.

My friend Kay and I will go watch a Tech Basketball game tonight.  When we were in College Kay was a player on the team
Got another half inch of rain.  The Lake couldn’t really tell.  
Took my new blood pressure med for two days.  It’s lowered my numbers.  My leg is better but about 6 inches of huge hard clumps remain.  I’m trying to move and take the aspirin as prescribed.  Blood is seeping from the vein. Hopefully it will finally clear.  

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Christmas is Coming

At Laura’s school, they each put an ornament on their tree. Then one by one (I guess they draw for order) each person can pick one.  Laura made an outline do our state with a star where their school is.  It turned out nicely.

Librarian Amy sent me a few pears last week. I think children don’t really like them, but I do.  I put them in a dark place to ripen.  Today, I had forgotten them and had a sweet surprise in my cabinet. I’ll have one each day for 4 days. A pear a day will make you say— thanks, Amy.
Sigrid is crocheting.  She bought a sweater at Goodwill and removed part.  Now she’s crocheting an edge.  I am happy she is learning this skill.


Tuesday, December 17, 2024

New Apron

Laura’s library friend stitched her a new apron.  Now she’s ready to make a mess.

Monday, December 16, 2024

New Lid

Yesterday was wet but warm!  Astrid and Logan worked in the rain and got the tin on the stable roof! I was afraid for Logan because the dampness made the tin slippery.  The tractor came to good use!  

Going to the Dr. today, I still have knots of blood clots in my leg!  


Sunday, December 15, 2024



Good day yesterday.  Rain gauge measured ONE inch of rain.  Found a quarter when I walked.  Walking pays 🚶‍♀️

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Wiley Coyote

Santa baby, just slip doggie treats under the tree for meBeen an awful good girlSanta baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Astrid’s girl Wiley is a rescue.  She was mistreated but now lives the good life!

Friday, December 13, 2024

Making Merry

Laura and Amy made merry in the library yesterday creating gifts for school friends.  They made tortilla warmers, bowl microwave covers, and pot holders. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Cattle are Lowing

The animals resting in the Meadow made we think of the sweet song—Away in the Manger.  The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, But little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes. 

So what is lowing? Is it the same as mooing.  I think it’s a low mournful sound cows make.  The sound woke Jesus but he didn’t cry. Guess He knew that cows don’t have upper front teeth, so they can’t bite you. At best they can only nibble a bit at us.  They grind their food with back teeth. I grew up around cows.  The lowing sound is peaceful.