February 27, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Dot's Shady Oak has bag worms!
taken over by folks selling medicine to enhance your
sexual experience. I want the old Dot back. I don't
like the stuff they posted there. Dot, please come home.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Martins will be here soon!
spring is here. They appear in March and stay with
us through the summer. Seems like suddenly one day
they are here with us and just as quickly move on in the fall.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Hidden Robins!
an office. Robins are hid all in the leaves. I could see
three of them but there were many more.
Friday, February 23, 2007
My School Going to the Dogs!

encouraging the students to read and stand up for
what is right. You will see that written on the sign
behind him. I try to stand up for what is right and
sometimes it gets me in hot water...but oh, well!
Father taught the Sisters to stand up for what is right!
Well, both our Fathers.
This week, I took Sister 4, Dot's, Win's advice and took the
unlimited long distance on my phone bill!
Sis 4 it cost 50 cents more than I was paying and
my internet will be 5 times faster.
I was thrilled with the deal.
The down side for Patsy, Fleta, Helen and
other family members is.....
I will need to call all of you often so
I feel like I am getting a good deal.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
supper a lot. You just mixed it in a bowl and ate it.
I did not like it then, but love it now. The cornbread
needs to be cooked in an iron skillet. You can't cook
it in a cake pan. It must be brown on the bottom and
golden on top. It should not taste like CAKE. These are
some things my Mother taught me. My friend from
Washington state does not really enjoy cornbread. She
said they never ate it very much. Her Grandparents
were from Missouri....somehow they dropped the ball
and lost the southern tradition. My kids don't eat corn
bread and milk so I have dropped the ball, too!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Tears in my Coffee!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
President's Day!
Can I be President?
Well, Billy was and now it's my turn!
Do you know why?
She wore these pants
And not even a tie!
She can never be President!
Another reason why
Is at Yale University
She loved Billy Blythe!
She is the smartest runner
And has the votes, too,
But Striped pants & a skirt chasin' husband
Are her 'waterloo'!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Oatmeal Muffins ~ For Dot And Fleta!!!
Buy a pkg. of Bran Muffin Mix by Martha White
Add one cup of fruit (I like mixture such as one
banana and the rest applesauce)
Add one cup of flax and oatmeal flour (now that is
one cup of it all together and this time I was out
of flax flour and so I just added a cup of oatmeal flour)
Add a quarter cup of canola oil if you want the
muffins to be real moist and if you are worried
about fat and calories you can leave it out
Add one egg
Add liquid to make it a nice texture (don't know how
much as I just pour in milk or add plain yogurt until
I can mix it up I use a spoon or fork as I don't want
to mess with the mixer)
Bake this in a hot oven (425) about 15 minutes. This makes
12 muffins and the Martha White Mix only makes 6
but because of all the stuff you added it makes 12.
hurry and don't have time to fix oatmeal. I have also
had them as a snack to break my sugar crave.
In the morning I have two of them if I am having
them for breakfast--one would not hold me until
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Peanut Butter
started with the dreaded numbers 2111---but I
don't think I will bother taking them back. I had
several other jars and we ate them. What do you
think? Where do I take them to?
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Equipment down!
Lots of folks I know (young ones) don't even have a
home phone now. Cell phones are all they have. We
still use the home phone and have a cell phone through
Alltel which is just about useless. We have a two
year contract and will soon be able to get a new cell phone.
I am going to get an ATT as that is what Erin and Fleta have.
I will be able to call them free. If Helen has that type
(cross my fingers), I will call her once a week too. My Alltel
equipment used to work better. No one at Alltel
seems to know why their signal in my Galla Cove went dead,
but because they have me locked in for the two years, they
really did not seem to care too much. I do not call them
anymore because I am tired of hearing them say" I am
sorry". When we are responsible for something and say
"I am sorry" my Bible says we fix it. Now if something
happens and is over and can not be fixed...we can say
"I am sorry" and mean it, but I am sorry does not cut it
when we continue to do the same thing. When we continue
to do what we have always done we will get what we always
got. Well, after March 20th Alltel will get no more of my
Yesterday, I awoke just after 5:00 a. m. Most of the time
I am awake by this time but I was still in bed. The phone
was ringing one long blast. When I answered there was a
roar in my ear like someone trying to play a bad joke. I knew
it was Erin in Harrison or Laura visiting in St. Lake City, Utah.
Well, after this the land phone did not work. My DSL is
through the same company and it did. When I got to work,
I called Centurytel. They sent out a technician and when I
got home a card was hanging on my door knob that said the
problem was inside and mine.
I am glad my husband can fix anything. He went to the
outside phone box to see how the tech had wired our
phone. Then he rewired each phone in the house to
match the outside wiring. He said the tech switched
the wires when he came to the house. The phone not
working had something to do with the DSL but I guess
Centurytel wanted to charge me so they switched the
phone wires outside. Now, Centurytel will say the problem
with our phone was inside, but if our phones worked off
green and red wires on Thursday; they should have on Friday,
but now they are running off black and yellow wires which is
not the way most phones are wired.
It is all too much for me. My head hurts from worrying about
my little girls in Salt Lake. But Erin said they made it there
fine. Today my phone works if any of you want to call
me... 890 8090 and 479 area code!!! I am not ready to give
up my land phone, but I think we all will someday. Also,
I think this morning I will go on down to AT&T and get
my new cell phone so I can call my babies.
Hope Fleta calls me today. It is the highlight of my Sat.
mornings to have her call!
home phone now. Cell phones are all they have. We
still use the home phone and have a cell phone through
Alltel which is just about useless. We have a two
year contract and will soon be able to get a new cell phone.
I am going to get an ATT as that is what Erin and Fleta have.
I will be able to call them free. If Helen has that type
(cross my fingers), I will call her once a week too. My Alltel
equipment used to work better. No one at Alltel
seems to know why their signal in my Galla Cove went dead,
but because they have me locked in for the two years, they
really did not seem to care too much. I do not call them
anymore because I am tired of hearing them say" I am
sorry". When we are responsible for something and say
"I am sorry" my Bible says we fix it. Now if something
happens and is over and can not be fixed...we can say
"I am sorry" and mean it, but I am sorry does not cut it
when we continue to do the same thing. When we continue
to do what we have always done we will get what we always
got. Well, after March 20th Alltel will get no more of my
Yesterday, I awoke just after 5:00 a. m. Most of the time
I am awake by this time but I was still in bed. The phone
was ringing one long blast. When I answered there was a
roar in my ear like someone trying to play a bad joke. I knew
it was Erin in Harrison or Laura visiting in St. Lake City, Utah.
Well, after this the land phone did not work. My DSL is
through the same company and it did. When I got to work,
I called Centurytel. They sent out a technician and when I
got home a card was hanging on my door knob that said the
problem was inside and mine.
I am glad my husband can fix anything. He went to the
outside phone box to see how the tech had wired our
phone. Then he rewired each phone in the house to
match the outside wiring. He said the tech switched
the wires when he came to the house. The phone not
working had something to do with the DSL but I guess
Centurytel wanted to charge me so they switched the
phone wires outside. Now, Centurytel will say the problem
with our phone was inside, but if our phones worked off
green and red wires on Thursday; they should have on Friday,
but now they are running off black and yellow wires which is
not the way most phones are wired.
It is all too much for me. My head hurts from worrying about
my little girls in Salt Lake. But Erin said they made it there
fine. Today my phone works if any of you want to call
me... 890 8090 and 479 area code!!! I am not ready to give
up my land phone, but I think we all will someday. Also,
I think this morning I will go on down to AT&T and get
my new cell phone so I can call my babies.
Hope Fleta calls me today. It is the highlight of my Sat.
mornings to have her call!

Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Green Forest 1900
Our Little Rock paper has an old photo in each
addition. This one was featured a few days ago.
The caption said they were men on a hunt (did
not say for what). Notice a chuck wagon for meals and
all hunters on mounts. Surely the game was large!
Powell men are not in the photo as all were still living in
Missouri at this date!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Gilead ~ Present day Jordan!
So I can be whole once more
And feel energy and vitality
As in those days of Yore!
Balm of Gilead
Patsy said sleep was her "balm of Gilead". It seems
like a good way to be. The body can heal when we
rest. We conserve our energy for important activities
in our bodies.
Sleep is a problem for me. I will wake and then can not
sleep the rest of the night. I know the next day I will
be tired, but the sleep will not come. So, I dream of
Patsy's "balm of Gilead" and wish it would come to
I read about this on Wikipedi and this is what it said:
Balm of Gilead is a healing compound (a balm) made from the resinous gum of the North American tree species Populus candicans.
It takes its name from the allusive phrase "balm in Gilead", referring to the balm or balsam carried from Gilead by the caravan of merchants to whom Joseph was sold by his brothers (Genesis chapter 37). In all likelihood, this ancient trade item was what is now known as balsam of Mecca, produced from the tree Commiphora gileadensis (syn. Commiphora opobalsamum), native to southern Arabia.
If this is healing Patsy, I am glad she has it!

like a good way to be. The body can heal when we
rest. We conserve our energy for important activities
in our bodies.
Sleep is a problem for me. I will wake and then can not
sleep the rest of the night. I know the next day I will
be tired, but the sleep will not come. So, I dream of
Patsy's "balm of Gilead" and wish it would come to
I read about this on Wikipedi and this is what it said:
Balm of Gilead is a healing compound (a balm) made from the resinous gum of the North American tree species Populus candicans.
It takes its name from the allusive phrase "balm in Gilead", referring to the balm or balsam carried from Gilead by the caravan of merchants to whom Joseph was sold by his brothers (Genesis chapter 37). In all likelihood, this ancient trade item was what is now known as balsam of Mecca, produced from the tree Commiphora gileadensis (syn. Commiphora opobalsamum), native to southern Arabia.
If this is healing Patsy, I am glad she has it!

Monday, February 12, 2007
Dogwoods coming soon!
Little flowers will spring up where long forgotten.
Sunday's sermon was about being encouraged
And encouraging others.
To encourage means to "give courage"
The other side of courage is worry
And who wants that!
Have courage today!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Road Block
For us to get around.
Patsy has met a road block
And she is trying to work around it.
Hopefully, she will come home
And be with us again.
Friday, February 9, 2007
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
One of my Kids!

This is one of my kids from school. Times
have changed. They all have cell phones
with ring tones. MP3 players with music
that all sounds the same and LOUD. But
I notice that they are still the same
as long ago. A middle schooler is just
beginning to grow up. They want to try
new things but in a "group" because
they find security in groups.
This little girl plays point guard for the
basketball team, makes average grades,
stays out of trouble. I hope she makes
it though the maze of growing up to a happy
life, but there are lots of roads to lead young
ones the wrong way.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Message from Patsy
Monday, February 5, 2007
Light at the End of the Tunnel!

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe
in a someday she will be home and feel like
doing more than sleeping. She has felt bad for a
couple of months and I could tell she was not her
old sassy self. Maybe she will do like Velvet said
and tell us all about what they "sucked out of her
innards". Just so I can hear her again!
A light at the end of a long tunnel. We can not
feel what is like to be on the mountain unless we
have been to the dark valley below.
Come home, Sister, come home!
Everything you might need!
This Adult content store is in a town about
30 miles from where I live. At one time it
was a neat junk/antique store that Erin and
I visited and then this Adult ??? store went
into the spot. Erin came home one day for a
visit and told her Dad she was going to the
store to check out the new junk. She asked
if it was still there and he assured her it was.
She drove the 30 miles, pulled into the
parking lot to a BIG surprise. Dad laughed
but Erin did not think it was funny!
30 miles from where I live. At one time it
was a neat junk/antique store that Erin and
I visited and then this Adult ??? store went
into the spot. Erin came home one day for a
visit and told her Dad she was going to the
store to check out the new junk. She asked
if it was still there and he assured her it was.
She drove the 30 miles, pulled into the
parking lot to a BIG surprise. Dad laughed
but Erin did not think it was funny!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Hannah's New Clothes!
year...we are sending them to Beatrice, Nebraska
to little Hannah to enjoy this summer. As I laid
them out for the picture-touching the soft fabrics-
I recalled my sweet little Siggie wearing them.
Saturday, February 3, 2007
Friday, February 2, 2007
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Trip to Rogers

The front axel of this red truck was broken.
One tire is laying beside him near the guard
rail. He is bent over I suppose giving thanks
to God for his deliverance from death. My
belief is that God will not change what happens
in our lives but He gives us strength and helps
us in our journey from birth to death. I do
praise him this morn for a beautiful storm
AND no school today! teehee He knew that
after this ordeal, I would need a day or two off!
We saw about 50 wrecks along the way. It
took almost 5 hours to get to Russellville...but
we were guided home safely.

realize the roads were so terrible. It took 2
hours to get to the Winslow Tunnel...usually
that takes 30 minutes!
me up and Erin met us there. Erin
came over from Harrison. Erin is an
RN and she thinks Patsy will pull through this.
I took this photo as we prepared to leave. We
arrived at 10:00 and left a little after 12:00
stay with her in the hospital. She can stay
until Saturday morn!
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