Story of my life.
Clayton came...he ate and slept.
I tried to take his picture, but
my camera was on iso--whatever that is--
pictures not very good.
I stumbled over the ottoman and
broke my toe. It hurts. I have it taped
to the one next to it. My foot swells.
Sisters, I walk just like Mama...if you
wonder. I ice soaked it and tried to
take Ib...profin...well whatever it is.
That made my stomache act up. And i have
also been sick with the stomache trouble I
have. I like to think I got my stomache
problem from Grandpa Powell. Dad thought he
was such a great man...maybe I inherited it
from him.
The DNA test is half off until Sept. 30. I
called Fleta and told her to check it out.
I want to have Clayton (my brother)Powell's
DNA sent to the Powell site. Anyway...none
of Charles Powell's ancestors are on there.
So I have tried not to gripe about my toe.
I am still walking every other day. It does
not hurt as bad with my shoe on. I am not
taking the IB..whatever because I would rather
have a little pain than throw up all day and
I enjoy Patsy's blog. She gets out on the
net and finds new people to visit...I follow
around where she goes and read a little. Judy
lived on Doctor's Fork in KY and now that will
mean something to the Sisters, well, except
Helen, she will not know where Judy is or will
not care about Dr.'s Fork.
I hope it is a good week...I have one more at
home and then back to school Aug. 11. I am
hoping for that 4 day week Patsy was talking
I am trying a new thing for breakfast...steal
cut oats. I had heard about them but looked
and they were out of my budget. At Kroger last
week, they had about 10 boxes marked half off
so I bought all of them...they are great. Like
eating little rocks. Well, I hope they are
making me healthy!