Friday, December 12, 2008

Local Economy

I have 18 Bantie hens.
I have 6 Red Star hens.
I got 5 eggs yesterday from all 2 dozen hens.
The Red Star eat more than a Bantie.
Do they eat 4 time more? I think not and I
am going to get me some more Red Star hens.
Which egg would you rather have for breakfast?


patsy said...

seems like your banties are laying down on the job.

Sister--Helen said...

any of them will beat the store bought one I will be eating

Sister--Fleta said...

I would rather have the eggs Patsy gives me. She buys the chickens. Tony supplies the chicken feed. Janet brings them to work and gives them to me. I don't pay anything. I will take banty or red star, big or small, a lot or a few at thsese prices.