I guess you know, Sisters, my Grandgirls are perfect and Clayton is too. This week over across the Meadow, the two big girls locked the bedroom door and would not let the little one in. I recall Fleta and I doing similar to Helen. They even lied and told her they were making her a Christmas present. She did not buy that. She continued to go back and knock on the door. They continued to ignore her and finally she slipped them a little message through the crack at the bottom of the door. Yes, her Dad had a talk with her about surely she was sorry for this action to which she responded that she was not sorry. They were mean and she was mad.
this younger child believes in calling a spade a spade and i agree. why would father comdemn her for sending them to hell when they lied and locked her out of their room?after all she said she hoped they went to hell and I am sure that was the truth where as they lied to her.
I got the nicest card with pictures...Thank you Betty it was a joy to get
I think this girl is kin to her Aunt Patsy.
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