Thursday, January 31, 2019

Greta Cheers

Greg and Erin took Greta and Clayton to a lady Razorback game!  Great adventure.

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Big One

The biggest buck antler spread this year was killed in Carroll County.  Not on Douglas Road but nearer Berryville.  The shooter’s name was Arnold.

Sunday, January 27, 2019


Cinderella is pooped after the Ball.  See her golden slippers?

Need Some Luck

Sigrid and Laura are making these ghomes? For friends to set on their desks.  Supposed to bring good luck.  Don’t know about that but they are cute!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Stepping Out

Dancing shoes

Sigrid is going to a dress up dance tonight.  She came by to show Pop how pretty she is.  Astrid fixed her hair and makeup.
I love her glittering shoes.
Her hair looked just right.
The dress was peach colored.  It looked fabulous!   I hope she has the best time!

Lemon Pie

Erin is coming today and bringing Pop lemon pie.  Two treats for sure!

Friday, January 25, 2019

January Ending

January is almost over.  Hopefully, February will bring some sunshine and warm days.  I look forward to seeing the birds of spring.  They are all so brightly dressed. 

It was really cold last night and will only be about 40 today.  Chilled to the bone! 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Don't Appreciate until gone

Today my Blog died!  Nothing there!  I started in 2006 when Siggie was one.  It was like death, but I thought--oh, well.  What is important in my life is my family--not cyber world.  I set up to pay google 1.99 a month and talked to a sweet specialist in Georgia!  I knew I would miss getting to look at what we did when, but I thought I could live with it just the same.

Larry is doing well.  He feels much better.  He had 3 aneurysms.   One in the large aorta and two going to his right kidney.  His kidneys are at 24 percent!  One ureter clogged.   Lots of other things we will have to do.  But I take it like this--each day is a gift and today was fine!  Tomorrow is in the future.  We'll worry about that later!

So....I want to say--I appreciate having a blog for a record, but if it goes away so be it!  I will go on trying to do my best for my family and all I come in contact with.  As Donna Wood says--Peace!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Our View

We can see the helicopter come and go through Larry’s window.   Entertainment.  Hurry up Monday.

Brought my iPad along with us.  Something to do while waiting.

Let it Snow

Mowing Time Coming

Tractor man in Baptist Hospital at Little Rock.  Surgery Monday.  We’ll be back to blog again soon!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Ankle Woes

Astrid turned her ankle---really bad.  Saw this photo of dear Brother and Sister and recalled how he often turned his ankle.  Oh, it hurts.  I think I did turn mine some but never so bad I had to go to the doctor.  Erin turned hers once and her leg turned black almost half way to her knee.  She reminds me when we speak of it that I said, "get up, you're fine".  Well, she wasn't it was horrible.  She did it practicing the slam or whatever it's called in volleyball. Astrid can not drive for two weeks and Pop and I will help take her where she needs to go.  He is taking her to work in a little while.  I will take her to her classes.  If it is just an hour, I wills sit and read until she is finished. 

I wonder if everyone can tell what a great guy my brother was!  Oh, I miss him.  He went out in a flash---I hope I go that way, too!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Grace Flows

Sigrid posted this on her white board.  The fount never ceases to flow and will wash you clean when you call out.  Think of it—you can’t enter the pool without getting wet.  It is just that simple.  And over and over we are covered by grace. We can never use it all up.   Grace abounds.  Our Lord seeks the lowest places to rescue and save.  I cry for mercy today.  And am so thankful for his never ending forgiveness.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Granny and Her Friend

 This top photo is Granny, Ada Esther Standridge Renfroe and her friend, Annie Lucille Blakley.  Granny told me who the friend was, but I did not write down the name.  Now, 25 years later, I could not recall who she said it was.  Well, I had given Erin a copy and she wrote down the friend's name.  She even went home and looked up the name for me.  Erin's memory is better than mine.  She said maybe her first name was Lucy!  Close, while I had not idea.  Annie Lucille Blakely lived near Nogo and married Hobert McCuin and moved to Stockton, CA.  She married Hobert in 1932.  Granny married Grandpa Fines Renfroe in 1931.  Maybe Hobert and Grandpa were friends.  The bottom picture is of Granny and her Sister Ethel Hester Standridge Tilley.  She was two years older than Granny, but always shorter, even when they were 6 and 8 years old.  They lived together for about 15 years after their husbands died.  They were great friends not just sisters.  A friend is a wonderful thing to have, but a Sister Friend is even greater!  I know.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Goals for this year!

Here are mine and Sigrid’s goals for the year.  She created them but wants me to try to achieve them too!

Listen.   Don’t interrupt.  Think of others put yourself in the background.

Judge less. Think about how to help others instead of pushing them down.

Stress less.  Try to do enjoyable activities.  Walk more.

Uplift others up.  Pray for them to turn to Jesus.  Spread love.

Astrid’s Tile

 Astrid said her favorite part of the new tile was her closet.  She hasn’t put the trim back completely yet and she said everything was still a mess.  Helen, you can see her rustic shelves in the upper left of this picture.  She wants Pop to frame the mirror and he will.  It is a large mirror which was larry’s Mother’s.  It is from her beauty shop.

 Logan’s grandmother passed and Astrid got a brand new washer and dryer.  They are Whirlpool.   The water heater, toilet, washer and dryer had to be out for the tile work.  Logan did all that.
Astrid's closet is always organized.  She loves shoes.

Saturday, January 12, 2019


Larry made this for Astrid.  I really think it is neat.  Astrid found what she wanted and got the ring and Pop put it on the old board.  Astrid thought it was perfect.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Honor Honor Honor

 Three honors because Astrid, Ingrid and Sigrid all made the honor list.  I bet Ingrid made all A's.  Astrid's honor is called the Dean's list.  She will do even better probably now as she had to get used to a new environment.  She starts back Monday.    Sigrid made the Honor Roll, too.   No letter.    Clayton and Greta are still in lower grades and I don't know if they have honor rolls there.  They both did well!  Both love school.

New Tile

 New tile is down in the Galla Creek house.  Astrid bought the tile.  We paid to have this installed.  It’s all the same tile.  Looks different in laundry room.  I guess because of light.
 When I think of all Astrid has done to the house, it is amazing.  When spring comes, she will work on the yard.  Astrid is a great renter!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Sigrid’s pooped

 Astrid has a new couch.  The chair is for long legged Logan!   Astrid was working so I walked over and let them in to deliver the chair.  She is getting tile in laundry room and the big bathroom.  He has worked on it two days.  Gosh it so nice.
 Sigrid was so tired Monday that when Laura picked her within a few minutes she was sound asleep.
Astrid fixed a room for Sig as she likes to stay all night with Asti.  It looks nice!  Sigrid slept on the couch before if she stayed over.
I love this photo of Sig.    She and her friend took pictures back in the summer and this is one they took of Sigrid. Laura got Larry and I a calendar for our anniversary and this was one of the photos for March--Siggie's month.   This shows Sig's character through and through.  Most always she is a very happy, chatty little girl.  She sure cheers Pop and I up!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Been around the block a few times!

Well, 48 years today
It’s been us
Made it through good times
And maybe a fuss.

But we are still working it out.  🥰
Spending our lives as one.
Love reigns!