Sunday, October 31, 2021

Maya Says

 I still have lots to learn.  I want to know.  I’m curious about a lot of things.  I think too much.  It’s hard to just let things go.  Quit thinking.  It’s senseless to keep wondering.  Just go on.  People don’t remember much of what we say, but if we can do some good things, they might remember that better.  Do bad things, folks will remember that for sure.  I need to quit thinking and start doing.  Thinking doesn’t accomplish much, it just uses up time.  I think I am a better thinker than a doer.  Doing takes so much energy.  Doing makes me tired.  I will just keep thinking.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Reunion Day

This is funny, but not really because it’s what is happening.  

Moo Moo


Moo, moo!  This cow is a cutie🐄🐄   If she goes to Chick Filet, she’ll get a free sandwich I bet.

Red Maples

 The Red Maples at Lake Dardanelle Park were breathtaking this morning.  There are two Red Maples right by the parking lot.  I can not even describe how beautiful they were.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Dressing for School

Halloween costumes

Ada is dressed as herself.  I love her new coat.  I must make a hat to match.
Greta is going to be a referee.  She even has a whistle.  Clayton will be going as himself. 

Laura dressed for school again.  The children love her costume.  


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Cousin Found

Larry’s cousin Rick’s daughter went missing Friday September 11, 1998.  When last seen she had her daughter Courtney Holt with her.  She was pregnant with her 3rd child.  She just didn’t come home.  She told her Mother she was going to a concert in Little Rock, AR.   Courtney’s father was to watch Courtney. Samantha never brought her to him.  

Over the next 23 years, they searched.  A local detective had charge of the case.  There were never any leads.  Then in February a group (Adventures with Purpose) trying to solve cold cases got involved. They use sonar to search water.  They asked Samantha’s Mom about the routes she drove to her house.  Within hours they found her little blue Ford car near a bridge on one of the routes she took.  Her car had no license plate. It was new.  This one had no plates.  They called 911.  Sheriff came. Elmo’s Crane Service pulled the car out.  Bodies inside.  Rick is not well.  I am so thankful he and Debbie and Dezarae know what happened to Samantha.  It’s not a happy ending, but it’s an ending.  DNA will be checked and then Samantha and Courtney’s remains will be released to the family. 


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Trees Today

Sweet Gum near Galla Lake is mostly golden with reds and oranges.
My Red Maple is finally all red.  It’s losing leaves fast though.
Galla Lake is at low water.  We need a good long lasting rain.

Happy Birthday, Greta

 We celebrated Greta’s birthday Sunday, but today she is 11.  She is a ray of sunshine in our lives.  I hope her special day sparkles and shines just like she does, in our hearts.  Happy Birthday, Greta.

I usually give 100 dollars plus their years, but Greta wanted presents.  Clayton noticed the gifts were mostly clothes and said he’d still take the cash.  No clothes for his birthday.  He’ll be 14 in June.  Times flies.

Monday, October 25, 2021

My Maple

 My Maple will soon shed all its pretty leaves.

Ada Yesterday


Ada came yesterday and my world is still sweeter today because she was here.  I’m trying to decide which babydoll to get her for Christmas.

Another Maple

My neighbors Red Maple was so pretty.  Mine is ugly this year.


Sigrid and Ellie

 Sig and her friend Ellie.  I think divas is a proper caption.  Laura said she still has all the dresses the girls have worn to dances.  Lots of memories, lots of gowns.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Ada’s Styling

Ada likes her rain boots.  She goes for comfort.


Sigrid is Dancing Tonight

Sigrid has a big dance tonight.  Isn’t she lovely?  I hope she has a great evening!💙💙

This is the Sadie’s Dance.

 Sigrid and her friend Ellie!

Records to Record


This morning Laura and Astrid participated in boot camp work out at Lake Dardanelle.  I walked while they did hard exercise.  Brenda would have let me join in, but things on ground and then back to my feet are hard for me.  I need a “boot” to get up.  I walked over an hour though so I did get a workout.
Astrid and Logan got a new truck.  Pop would have loved it.  It’s a V 8 four wheel drive GMC.   It’s a metallic blue gray with gray leather interior.  It really nice and they need a newer vehicle.  They have older ones.  Astrid said the gas mileage was similar to her Jeep.
Me and the Asters this morning.  

Friday, October 22, 2021

Sunday Celebrating

 Sunday,  I get to see my 3 Harrison Grands.  It’s Greta’s 11th birthday.  We’re having a celebration at Auntie Laura’s.  Proud of Clayton for making all A’s and B’s.  He is really smart, loves reading and learning, but he often does not apply himself or do his best work.  I’m hoping he’ll find something of interest  that will lead to a good career.  Ada likes Connect Four but she wants to put all the checkers in😂.  Greta is very patience playing with her.  She had to sit through several makeup soccer games and Erin let her watch something on the phone to keep her seated.

Get Moving


I often say I’m lazy, but I’m not really I must confess.  I believe in exercising the body not just the mind.   I decided that I needed weight training to help strengthen  the muscles holding my knees in place.  There is one gym in town that is really a great buy, but I get frustrated in a crowded place.  I chose FF.  Yes, it costs 4 times more, however; I can go whenever I please, it’s not loud, and has no bright lights.  I can’t walk on a treadmill because of my knees.  I like the elliptical and they have several.  You get a key and can go anytime.  After the first few days, I was depressed.  My knees hurt more not less.  I am still walking at daylight with Phinnie. I don’t want him to miss his exercise.  I figured out I was trying to lift too much weight.  I can tell after less than 2 weeks, my heart and large muscles are getting much stronger.  I would recommend joining a gym to everyone💙. What I am lazy about is cleaning house.  I hate it.  Hope you will get up and get going today.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Greta is Helpful

 My Greta won an award at school this week for being positive and helpful.  Looks like she’ll get a Dairy Queen treat which is her fav🤍

Wisdom Gone


Poor Ingie had her wisdom teeth extracted this morning.   Hope she doesn’t suffer like her Momma did.  Laura’s were really painful.  Astrid and Erin Marie had to have theirs removed too.  I think braces make them more problematic.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Monarch

Phinnie and I walked to get the mail and spied the Monarch Butterfly flitting around the Iron Weed.  We lingered gratefully.