Saturday, February 12, 2022

Wordle Saves a Life


I love puzzles.  Well, word puzzles, not sudoku, so much , as it’s numbers.   I do the Courier cryptogram, play words with friends, do crosswords,and even jigsaws.  My newest word puzzle is called Wordle.  A smart guy invented it because his girlfriend likes word puzzles.  It’s simple squares of five.  No hints.  You write in a word.  If one of your letters is in the word of the day the letter turns yellow.  If it’s in the puzzle and in the correct location, the square turns green.  You have five more chances to fill in the squares correctly.  If you want to play, search for New York Times Wordle.  There’s one puzzle a day.  That’s all.  After you solve, you have to wait til next day to play again.

Well, the puzzle saved an 80 year old lady’s life.  She and her daughter texted each other daily with their results.  One day she was silent.  Her daughter texted her Mom asking to see her Wordle.  No answer.  A naked man armed with scissors had locked the elderly lady in her own basement.  Finally the daughter starts calling.  No answers.  Daughter then called the police and asked for a welfare check.  Mom was rescued and naked man was arrested.   Wordle saved the day.♥️♥️

Try Wordle.  It works the brain👏👏

Wordle 238 4/6






Far Side of Fifty said...

That is a great story with a good ending. :)

HappyK said...

Hi Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. Nice to meet you. :)
I like word puzzles too and just yesterday learned about Wordle.