Yesterday, another storm came at 5:15. I have more trees down and shingles scattered over my yard and in horse pasture. I’m not good with crisis anymore. I got Laura over here and she climbed as high as she could but couldn’t reach the spot where the shingles were standing up. She got a piece of rebar and tried to whack them down. There was a lull in the storm then the rain came down again. I was afraid it would leak, but maybe the tarpaper under the shingles helped. I called the roofer I used to put the new roof on the Galla Creek house. He was super. Said he’d come and secure until the insurance adjuster could get here. Have limbs on the garage, he said leave then until the insurance people come. With all the storms here of late, it may be awhile til I can get a new roof.
We had golf ball sized hail, too.
And I got a disconnect notice from the water people. It’s drawn from my account. I had to go to the office and get that straightened out. I only slept a couple of hours last night. I hate that I’m like this now. It’s something looming and makes me wide awake. Good news, all these problems spoil my appetite. I’ve lost a little weight!!
OH no so sorry you had another storm. Hope the adjuster comes soon!
Maybe I'd better quit complaining about our drought. I certainly don't want the kind of storms you are getting!
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