Saturday, August 31, 2024

Another bag

I finished another tote bag.  It’s too hot too work outside! 


New Sign

 My Cousin sent me a bumper sticker but I made a sign to put on the window sill by my door.  She sent a button that says “do something”.  I’m going to let laura have it.  I’m a proud Democrat!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Give Me A Sip

Hoping my pretty Maple gets a drink soon.

Ada got the top color in behavior.  So proud of her!  She still loves school💙

Greta is trying a new way to curl her hair.  Hope it works. I’ve noticed that if one has curly hair, they dream of straight and if one’s hair is straight, curls are craved!  It’s all okay.

Thursday, August 29, 2024


 Ada is writing so much better.  I am amazed at her progress. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Amy’s a Sunflower

My favorite Librarian is having a birthday soon!  Laura decided to celebrate the occasion with sunflowers!  Helen made an oven pot holder.  I created a tote bag and Laura a sunny pillow!  I call her my Amy~Patsy.  I used to ask my Sister Patsy questions when I could not find an answer, but I lost my special Patsy in 2014!  Now I have my Amy!  She knows a lot and if she doesn’t know she’ll find the answer!  Happy Birthday a few days early, Amy 🌻🌻🌻


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

I’m Better

This is how I look when I go “amowin” but I’m going to refrain from mowing until it is cooler.  No more Bible study as most are Trump lovers and it was causing me anxiety and stress. I’m a blue Democrat, but I loved our Republican Governor Asa Hutchison.  I often vote for the person especially in local elections.  I got a cortisone shot and medicine.  Plus the advice to not expose myself to unnecessary stressors.  
Goblins lost first match but Greta said the played pretty good together.  She got to start.

Here’s my sleep from last night.  All that Benadryl to keep from scratching all night raised my blood pressure. So I’m trying to not take as much.

Monday, August 26, 2024


 I’m going to the Doc at 1:00 as I still have hives from head to toe!

Laura and friends took a paint class to celebrate her birthday. Above is Ingrid’s bouquet.  I really like it.
Sigrid finished her makeup table.  She’ll be even more lovely now! 💗💗💗
Ada enjoys Elmwood Baptist Church.  Yesterday she wore this pretty dress.  Erin always puts shorts under her dresses.  She loves her frilly socks and pulls them all the way up.  She’s enjoying kindergarten but she doesn’t really like all the focused sheets of work.  She’s getting there.  At home, she has four “big” people who will assist her!  She still wants to go everyday! 

I don’t know the First Lady on the right but second is Astrid, AmyPatsy, Laura, Ingrid and sweet Siggy!❤️

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Finished Sig’s tote bag.  She came and picked it up.  She carries the IPad to class.  She may use it to carry it in she said!


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Follow the Directions

Sigrid wanted a makeup table.  She ordered one off the internet!  It came in a 1000 pieces.  😳 She worked patiently following the directions.  She’s almost got it assembled!  Sigrid is an amazing girl💙💎


Friday, August 23, 2024

Pencil Picture

My cousins Mike and Winnie Sneed commissioned this colored pencil rooster picture made especially for me!   I received it yesterday💗They know I love chickens and they both love me!  I return the feeling. I have already found a place for it on my wall by where I sit and read and crochet!  Thankful from the bottom of my heart! 


Thursday, August 22, 2024

School Days

Ada is loving kindergarten!  When she comes home she”plays”school. This is carpet time— the children sit on the carpet and the teacher presents a lesson! Some of Ada’s class forgot their clothes😂 My favorite part of this picture is my Sister Patsy’s crazy quilt.   Everyday Erin shares an image of Ada so I can enjoy her day, too!  I am blessed with two wise daughters❤️

My little sophomore started back to college today! I am so proud of all her accomplishments!  This year she’s getting involved in student government.  She is a licensed pharmacy tech, but most importantly she is a caring, responsible, and kind young woman!  And… my baby💚💛💚

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Back at it

Laura went back to school yesterday.  She got a surprise delay because of the storm.  She looks good for her years.  She’s hitting half a hundred in September. Wishing her a great year.


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Smiles Spread

Spider lilies are popping up!  The first bulbs were brought to the United States in 1854 by Captain William Roberts, an amateur botanist who was part of the group sent to Japan to establish a trade agreement between the two countries. He only brought back three bulbs!  Now, spider lilies are found in yards all over the South.  Laughter and joy can spread with the same gusto!  Smile today.  Laugh today! It spreads♥️

Monday, August 19, 2024


Laura did not have school so we walked at the Park.  It was cooler but still very humid.  No electricity at Laura’s school so first day was cancelled.  Tomorrow will be first day.  Our sweet friend Amy~Patsy has trees down.  It blew Astrid’s tomatoes to bits. There was lots of fog over the Lake.
Helen gave me tomatoes.  I made 8 pints of sauce and 3 quarts of tomato juice.  Laura took several to eat.  Helen has had a great tomato crop.  She gave me yellow squash.  I love it.  She sent another spaghetti squash to Laura. 

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Got home safely. Can’t leave my chicks too long.  Stayed one night with my Sisters.

Got to walk with Sister Fleta today.  Down the road toward Green Forest, I spotted these pretty Morning Glories.  Erin shared a picture of Ada before church.  Ada loves Elmwood Baptist Church and I think they return the feelings.  The Lord is shining His light on her.


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Happy Birthday, Helen

 I am at my Sister’s.  We’re celebrating her birthday.  She’s three score and ten.  I gifted her a big Sams pkg. of toilet paper and paper towel.  We ate t-bones.  Go home tomorrow.  

We got a nice rain last evening.  Rained on me most of the way here.  Thankful for the shower.

Friday, August 16, 2024


Logan and his ladies😂

My Maple tree is showing more red highlights.


Thursday, August 15, 2024


Greg and Erin married 19 years today.

Walking today was not fun!  Gnats everywhere following me like a plague!  This is a Jerusalem Artichoke, a type of sunflower. They are also known as sunchokes, sunroot, wild sunflower, topinambur, and earth apple.  Can be eaten raw, fried, in soups and sauces.  Wonder how they taste!

I’m broke out from am ankles to my neck. Not on my feet or face.  I’m taking turmeric for the inflammation in my knees.  It’s helped so much.  I am having anxiety about being allergic to it.  Helen found a test.  I’m always willing to follow my sister’s advice.  I mowed the day I got it.  Surely I could not be that allergic to grass!  


Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Astrid ordered 8 chicks.  They come by USPS.  I got to pick them up and put them in the brooder she built herself.  She has two recused kittens.  I stayed quite a while just adoring them.


Asti found these ties free and Logan and she added another raised bed.  More garden stuff.
One morning a weeks at 5:30 AM she’s teaching HIIT aerobics.  She’s pretty amazing💎

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sigrid the Soph

I’ll have one more grand in school this fall.  Siggie will be a sophomore in College.  She told her Momma that she wanted some shorts without holes.  She’s growing up but still my baby👼.


Off to School

My Harrison three are off to school.  Hope Greg was able to get them all dropped off. I’m wishing for a good day for all three!  Ada has been practicing unbuckling and getting out by her lonesome!  I think Greta has on white converse high tops. Go Goblins🥰

Clayton grade 11

Greta grade 8

Ada kindergarten