Thursday, March 20, 2025

Just a Scribble

Some folks are so talented they can just scribble and make something. The wind blew almost 60 miles an hour here yesterday. I went out and worked on my fence cleaning and almost got lifted off the ground. Today is cooler but the wind has subsided. 

Sigrid needed one class to be eligible for UAMS pharmacy. She has to have a certain class and will take it in summer school. The school helped her find it online. She chose trig and is taking it through a school in Nebraska. Below is some of her chemistry work. She maps processes on a white board to understand them. She is not just a pretty face.  There’s a brain there. It looks like Chinese to me!


1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

If I did the scribbling it would look like scribbling...not a chicken. Anyone that can understand all the math stuff is brilliant as far as I am concerned!